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Tomar Hingsa Tomar Joy – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • The Corona epidemic has made it clear that
  • Friendship doesn’t just mean having fun, hanging out, partying and hanging out.
  • Friendship means helping each other in danger

This time living desk: Atri is a nurse in a private hospital. He is skilled at work, a colleague and a very loving person to patients. At just 25 years old, he has won the hearts of everyone in the hospital. The situation has become such that even the hapless corona virus loves Atri and makes its home in her body. He didn’t have to suffer much because of his good immunity, but the problem was elsewhere. The body is weak. On top of that home food medicine is all inadequate. So staying away from home increases Atri’s anxiety. How will you provide food and medicine from quarantine in your flat? Not necessarily trusting friends.

Atri is very lucky about her friend. He only once expressed his helplessness on social media. Buss, friends from all around jumped in to help him. Food and medicine are the solution to the problem.

This time Atri noticed a strange thing. Her relationship with several of the friends who came to her aid deteriorated. Atri’s sweet behavior, many friends and a couple of friends who used to envy her happy life also forgot about them and extended a helping hand. Honestly, he hoped for help from his close ones. But she never dreamed that jealous friends would draw her to such a time of danger. As a result, his closeness with those friends on the phone and social media continues to grow. Even after recovering, there is a plan to party together.

Atri is not alone, such incidents have happened to many. Psychologists and experts believe that this is the benefit of the Corona epidemic. In fact, they need each other’s help to cope with this disease. Many people have understood that today. So, forgetting the old anger, hatred and violence, the broken friendship has become strong again.

The Corona epidemic has taught people that friendship is not just about having fun, hanging out, partying and hanging out. Friendship means helping each other in danger. If I help my friend (or enemy) in danger today, someone else will help me in danger tomorrow. The Corona epidemic has helped create this mentality.

Many blame today’s generation for being selfish. Maybe that’s a bit true. But all the fault is not with the present generation. The present learns from the past. But when the past cannot teach the present, then perhaps the plague or some deadly danger like it teaches those lessons. This is the law of nature. The world’s leading experts believe in this law of nature.

Moreover, not only is the hand of friendship coming forward because of the disease, but people are beginning to suffer from loneliness during this difficult time. With the suspicion of the accompanying soul. So the tendency to forget anger, hatred, envy, violence and to have a good relationship with everyone has started all over the world. Whether he is an old friend or a relative or a jealous enemy.
The way these couples have overcome the storm of marriage in difficult times! Read their experiences.
The survey says that during the Corona crisis, the tendency to communicate with school-college friends through social media has increased a lot. Many people have started giving place to their unfriended friends again in their friends list. The number of friendship groups has also increased. Maybe there is a daily discussion about their diary.

“See you again when you are well,” the meme is now quite popular on social media.

Just as Corona is taking away everything, it is also giving back many old relationships. Making friendships stronger. Helping to end violence. In the midst of so many negative events, this may be a small glimmer of hope.

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2021-04-30 16:43:37
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