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Twitter is celebrating its seventh founding anniversary

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happy_birthday_twitterPopular social networking and microblogging site Twitter is celebrating its seventh founding anniversary today, March 21. On this day in 2006, the company’s father Jack Dorsey posted the first tweet of the platform. It was “Just setting up my Twitter” twttr.)

The site has more than 200 million subscribers in these seven years and currently has 400 million tweets per day.

Contemporary issues are discussed and criticized on Twitter at different times. A special feature called a hashtag is used to place a hash (#) sign before a specific topic and convert it into a separate filter so that when clicked, other posts on that topic can be viewed on the same screen. Using the hashtag, a list of the most talked about topics on Twitter is published as “Trending”.

A recent study found that the most popular topic of discussion on the microblogging site so far has been related to television programs. According to the survey, about 40 percent of the tweets posted in the evening are related to TV programs The result It is known from

On the occasion of Twitter’s birthday, celebrities have highlighted various important aspects of the site, including greetings.

Canadian singer Justin Bieber has the most followers on Twitter. justinbieber This young artist of ID has 36,311,83 followers. Lady Gaga is in second place with 35,253,8 followers.dyladygagaAnd Katie Perry in third place.katyperry) Has 33,835,615 followers.

Twitter has only one “not human” ID in the top ten in terms of number of followers. And that is Google’s video sharing site YouTube (YouTube), Which is in the seventh position and is being followed by 25,060,913 people.

Happy Birthday Twitter 🙂

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