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Unable to control urination – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Unable to control urination, the need to rush to the bathroom immediately after urinating, sneezing, coughing or a sudden pressure drop of urine, women suffer from this problem a lot; Especially after childbirth if the pelvic floor muscles become weak or the uterus comes down. But men also have such problems. Older men are more prone to such problems. In most cases it is due to enlargement of the prostate gland and pressure on the bladder. This is often due to problems with the capacity or sensitivity of the bladder due to neurological reasons. This problem often leads to embarrassing situations for men over 50 in the office and outside the workplace. What to do to get rid of this problem?

One. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcohol will increase the problem. It is better to avoid these especially outside the house.

Two. Go to the bathroom every two to three hours and empty the bladder. Do not store urine for a long time. Remember, prostate problems can cause sudden urinary retention.

Three. Lose weight. Excess weight will complicate the problem.

Four. If you have diabetes, control it. Uncontrolled diabetes, diabetic neuropathy may be responsible for this problem.

Five. It is not that men do not get urinary tract infections. Urine culture should be done in case of sudden increase in uncontrolled urination, burning, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Six. Get treatment for prostate problems. Keep in touch with your surgeon regularly, checkup once a year. Sometimes surgery may be needed.