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Understand the symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency in the body – Kolkata24x7

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Vitamin C is a very essential element for our body.

Science says that women need 75 mg daily and men need 90 mg daily.

Our body cannot produce vitamin-C in any way. So you have to include vitamin-C in your daily diet.

It is commonly said that vitamin C deficiency occurs faster in those who have spicy and oily foods in their diet or who have kidney problems or who smoke and drink a lot.

Vitamin C is excreted through the blood that comes out when someone is injured.

However, it is necessary to have vitamin C to increase the collagen level in the body. Keeping the collagen level right keeps our skin healthy and healthy.

Vitamin C also keeps blood vessels healthy.

Several studies have found that as vitamin C decreases in our body, our weight gradually increases.

When vitamin-C is depleted from our body, our skin becomes dry. Also the dead skin cells come out more.

Vitamin C deficiency is a common symptom of fatigue and irritable mood.

A study of 141 people found that all of them were more prone to physical and mental stress due to vitamin C deficiency.

However, within two hours of injecting vitamin C into the body, they became active again. Vitamin C deficiency in the body’s immune power (immunity power) gradually decreases.

As a result, people get sick quickly.

Doctors say that you need to include vitamin C in your balanced diet every day.

You can put lemon, orange, spinach, amalki, kiwi, broccoli in it.

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2021-05-28 14:09:50
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