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Variety of Baths – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Variety of baths can be noticed in beauty treatment since ancient times. The stories of the baths of kings and queens of different countries can be found in the pages of history. They used to do the work of beauty treatment very comfortably. Their bathrooms were specially made. Variety of baths can be noticed even in the recent modern beauty treatments. Some people like to take a bath with mint water, some with milk. Again, many people prefer rose petals or rose water. The needs of each person are different. However, it is important to bring variety in the bath by thinking about the skin.

Rose petals
The custom of bathing in rose water has been going on since ancient times. The Nawab is lying in the rose water in the bath house and the petals are floating and caressing him, we are quite familiar with this kind of Nawabi life scene. For this type of bath, soak rose petals in bath water overnight. However, spread the petals evenly. There is more in one place, the other place is empty, so that there is no such thing. In the morning mix a few drops of rose essential oil. 45 minutes Keep yourself away from various thoughts. Close your eyes and enjoy the joy. You will see the mercury of peace will rise. Bathing in rose water removes all the dead cells from the body and also removes the roughness of the skin. As a result, it will become as fresh as a rose.

Mint water
Mint has a special property of keeping the body cool. Put some mint leaves in water shortly before bathing. Bathing in that water keeps the body and mind strong. You can also put a few drops of mint oil in water. Peppermint works as an antibiotic to prevent any skin infections. For those who have a little time, boil the dried mint leaves and make mint water and keep it in the fridge. Take a bath by mixing ten to fifteen teaspoons of mint water in a bucket of water. As a result of this bath, you will get relief from the awful stench in summer. Ghamachi, will not be allergic. The astringent properties of mint are incomparable. Because mint stops bleeding.

Honey when bathing
The innate moisturizing power of honey is immense. You can put a few drops of honey in the bathtub water instead of moisturizer. You can even apply it on the body before bathing. This will keep the skin radiant throughout the day and will also leave a feeling of roughness or tightness. Also mix some cold water, honey and rose essence (rose essence) in a bowl and leave it for three hours. After bathing, lightly massage the whole body with this water mixed with honey. Then take another bath in cold water. In this way all the dirt and odor of the body will be removed. Washing the dead cells will brighten the skin of the whole body. Gradually get back, the soft skin of your childhood.

Bath with milk
Milk has been used as one of the ingredients of bath since ancient times. Apart from this, there is a custom of bathing with milk in ordinary houses also. Because the cleansing power of milk, i.e. the quality of keeping the skin clean is incomparable. Before bathing, mix equal amount of water, honey, lavender, essential oil with milk. The mixture is effective. This mixture removes dead cells from the body, accumulated lactic acid. If you do not like milk, mix a cup of milk powder in water and put it in the bathtub. Bathing with milk is more beneficial in summer. This type of bath creates a wonderful respite for both the body and the mind.