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Video call facility came to WhatsApp!

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WhatsApp, a rich online messaging service with more than 100 million users every month around the world, has launched a new video call feature. As a result, from now on, you will be able to communicate with your family and friends through WhatsApp. This feature is available on Android, iPhone and Windows Phone. Update WhatsApp today to get the feature on your phone. If it still does not turn on, you will have to wait for some time.

How to make WhatsApp video call?

Very easy. Start chatting with someone to exchange messages with them on WhatsApp. Press the phone icon at the top of the chat window. Now you get the option to make video and audio calls. From there click on the video call option. You can watch the animation below to know more details.


Started video call? Ringing? Now you have nothing to do but wait for the call to be received from the other end 🙂

Well, you know, WhatsApp is a messaging service owned by Facebook. This company in 2014 Bought Facebook. Remember? If you do not remember, then you must understand that you are not a regular reader of this blog. If you do not want to miss information about such important technology in the future on this site Subscribe Oh Follow on Facebook Twitter.

If you want to download WhatsApp Please visit.

I have said a lot, so far in this post. Thanks.

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