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Wake up in the morning and have an aversion to food? Symptoms of severe illness, be careful now!

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  • Does not get hungry, does not want to eat or has no appetite. Sometimes many people talk about such problems.
  • Sometimes a common fever, infection, gastric ulcer, or a reaction to medication can cause loss of appetite.
  • Apparently this small problem can be a symptom of a serious disease. Ordinary virus fever also reduces appetite.

This time the digital desk:Hungry Does not get, does not want to eat anything or has no appetite. Sometimes many people talk about such problems. Sometimes a common fever, infection, gastric ulcer, or a reaction to medication can cause loss of appetite. Apparently this small problem can be a symptom of a serious disease. Ordinary virus fever also reduces appetite.

It is normal to get hungry after waking up in the morning. But that is not the case with some people. Sometimes in a few days, there is no problem. However, if it occurs frequently, it may be a sign of a disease.

Early symptoms of hepatitis or jaundice
According to the doctors, if there is anorexia, nausea and even reluctance to eat the food of choice, then notice if the urine and eye color are turning yellow. It may be a precursor to hepatitis or jaundice. Kidney complications reduce appetite. In chronic diabetes, the contraction and dilation of the esophagus is reduced, so the stomach feels full after playing a little. Once you play, you don’t get hungry for a long time.

Flatulence or indigestion
This may be due to gas in the stomach or indigestion. In these cases small amounts can be eaten repeatedly.

Even if you suffer from stress or depression, your appetite decreases. Excessive anxiety about weight loss causes anorexia. Various medications, especially antibiotics, can reduce appetite. However, if there are any other risky symptoms along with anorexia, some tests should be done soon.

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Early signs of cancer
Anorexia nervosa can be an early sign of various cancers. Keep an eye out for weight loss with anorexia, anemia, weakness, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, chronic digestive disturbances, abdominal or body wheels, etc. If you see these symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

Thyroid problems
Maybe you don’t know, but you have thyroid problems. In this case also the morning hunger can be reduced completely.

As you grow older
Normal morning hunger levels decrease with age. Because digestion decreases with age. It has an effect on hunger. Many times loss of appetite can be a sign of a major illness. So don’t ignore this problem if it goes to extremes. Consult a doctor.

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2021-06-29 10:43:01
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