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Walk on dewy grass – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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There is no such thing as a wet song in the rain in the movie, no less than the feeling of walking on the wet grass in the morning dew. Walking barefoot on the dew-drenched grass, whether you love it or not, whether you love it or not, whether you read it or not, is a matter of unearthly joy.

This joy is further enhanced when our normal subject matter comes up for discussion all over the world. Walking barefoot on dewy grass in the morning is now being called a different kind of natural therapy. Worldwide interest in this natural therapy has multiplied, keeping in mind the physical and mental well-being of the Coronation Age. Now walking barefoot on dew-drenched grass is called ‘due walking’ and is said to be a form of hydrotherapy.

The physical benefits of walking barefoot in the dew in the morning

The researchers said that there are many benefits to walking barefoot on dewy grass in the morning. The first thing that comes to mind is to breathe in the pure pollution free air of the morning. This not only increases the efficiency of the lungs, but also improves blood circulation in the body. Walking barefoot on wet grass increases blood circulation throughout the body. According to medical science, this performance is the beginning of the benefits of dew walking or dew walking.

The blood vessels near the soles of the feet are stimulated and constricted by exposure to cold dew. In this, due to the fear of lowering the temperature, the overall blood flow in the blood vessels of the body wakes up with a refreshing feeling, the heart that is beating in a monotonous way gets new life. In this way Dew Walking can play a very effective role in our diseases like heart disease, tendency to thicken blood, accumulation of fat in blood vessels, high blood pressure etc.

Touching wet grass directly on the soles of the feet is very beneficial to the nervous system.
With hydrotherapy, our nerves become refreshed as we walk through the frosty dew of wet grass. In addition, our sensory nervous system wakes up when we walk barefoot. This is because it awakens proprioceptin or creates the right feeling and awareness in the body about where we are. In our civic life, a huge group of people are facing various serious problems of leg muscles, bones and blood vessels. In this case this dew walking or walking barefoot on dew-drenched grass can prove to be very beneficial.

Many people suffer from varicose veins or flat foot disease in their last years due to poor circulation of blood vessels in the legs. As a result, many walk lamely, some become crippled. But if you go out in the morning and walk on the dew-drenched grass, you can get rid of these terrible diseases very easily. Its effectiveness is also found in the inertia of diabetic nervous system.

Again, this hydrotherapy called Dew Walking can be very beneficial for extremely severe migraine headaches. In addition, although there is no hard evidence yet, most researchers are of the opinion that looking at green plants, fields, grass increases vision. Most importantly, Dew Walking’s pair of weights to strengthen our immune system. At the same time like meditation, serenity, exercise in the open air, relaxing foot massage and what else is available!

Dew Walking for Mental Health

In a country like ours, mental health issues are the most neglected. However, day by day the anxiety, depression or mental exhaustion (depression) is consuming us. Its impact on urban life is horrendous. Mental afflictions and illnesses also make our body sick. Mental problems sometimes lead us to extreme measures like suicide which is not acceptable in any way. However, when the sunlight falls on the body in the morning, our body secretes the serotonin hormone, which is called ‘Phil Good Hormone’ in the language of mental health.

Early morning walking may greatly reduce our dependence on anti-depressant drugs. At least considering the importance of mental health, it is as if we go out in the morning and walk barefoot on the grass for a while every day. The greenery, the dewy feeling of the dew, the touch of the soft grass, all these can push our fatigue, frustration, exhaustion, sadness and anxiety far away. Those who are doing research on Dew Walking have the same opinion.

Where and how to walk

As the saying goes, if there is a will, there is a way. We have some parks, fields, gardens in the uninhabited desert fields and ghats of that village of Nanabari Dadabari which we left behind as children or went for a walk in Kalevadra. You can go for a walk in the morning and touch the grass barefoot.

If there is an opportunity, grass can be planted in a backyard or in a small space of two feet in front of the apartment. With the help of the administration of the area like different countries of the world, a long bed of grass or road verge can be placed in one place along the sidewalk. And for those who want to shake their head at the idea of ​​where dew can be found all year round, the researchers say that rain-soaked grass has the same benefits. So it’s time to dump her and move on.

In literature, in stories, novels, poems, or in TV dramas and movies, we have seen and heard how wonderful and romantic the description of walking barefoot in the dew-drenched grass. But if you think about it with your eyes closed, you will not remember the last time we took our time in the morning and walked barefoot on the wet grass! Whether it is lack of time or the thought of what people will say, for whatever reason we cannot allow this desire to be thwarted.

1. ‘Due Walking, A Forest Bathing and Hydrotherapy Mass-up’, Cindy Gilbert, Nature Therapy Physician
2. ‘What Are The Benefits Of Sunlight’,
3. ‘Seratonin Versus Melatonin’, Clay McNite,
4. ‘Benefits of Walking Barefoot in Weight Grass’,
5. ‘Surprising Health Benefit of Walking Barefoot on Grass’, Editorial, Hairzendagi,

Tania Ferdous, Prothom Alo, 26 December 2020