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Want the child to get good results? Then enroll him in music school

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Own report: Learning music increases intelligence! No, no one has ever heard of such a strange thing. But in different countries of the world, different teams of scientists are researching all sorts of things and bringing new things to the fore. One such new thing is the use of music as a way to increase brain function.

In fact, this is the age of computer. Coding in that era (coding) The goal is to be a little ahead in learning. So as to establish a career in the latter case. As a result, ‘teach kids to code’ has become a movement.

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But is that really the case? MITA team of scientists has analyzed and shown that the ability to understand computer code is a skill in its own field. But in that sense there is no connection between learning language, mathematics or logic.

Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) says that although coding is based on mathematics, it is not mathematics at all, so children only learn coding, not the opportunity to develop intelligence through mathematics. Their advice – if you want to make your child intelligent, then enroll him / her in a music school from an early age.

The MIT-led study was conducted at the University of Zurich. There were brain scans of two groups who had learned music and who had not. Surveys say that those who have learned music, their brains think much more coherently. The part of the brain that responds to sound and helps to speak is stimulated by music. This is especially true of learning musical instruments. Why not, when playing music, you have to pay close attention to the rhythm and rhythm and that is why the brain becomes fertile.

So those who learn music from an early age are better off than others in terms of sensitivity and intelligence, or better said those who just learn coding.

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Zee24GhantaLifestyle News
2021-05-05 18:23:15
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