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Want to donate plasma? What foods to keep in the diet, the advice of experts

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  • Besamal country in the second wave of Corona. The hospital is running out of oxygen and beds.
  • Staying healthy is the biggest challenge right now.
  • But those who are recovering from COVID can save a lot of lives.

This time the digital desk: Besamal country in the second wave of Corona. The hospital is running out of oxygen and beds. Staying healthy is the biggest challenge right now. Those who are newly covid (COVID) They are recovering but can save many lives There are many people who are recovering from covid infection Plasma (Plasma) Giving. Once covid is cured, one can donate plasma. However, it cannot be given if there is some disease including diabetes. Again it is necessary to give plasma with an interval of one month.

According to experts, if you have already given plasma or are ready to give plasma, then some Food It is very important to keep in your daily diet But what foods (food items) Keep in your diet, the list –

Sunday Ho Ya Monde Rose Khao Ande – Popular Ad Line 7 Eggs are a balanced food And it has more than 7 qualities Especially Don’t When there is so much talk about immunity to the virus, can eggs be kept away? According to experts, Vitamin B2 is essential for the formation of red blood cells in the body and also helps in the formation of new cells. Milk, yogurt and eggs are rich in vitamin B2. As a result, eating a boiled egg in the morning gives energy to the body throughout the day. Boiled eggs contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated cholesterol, which are good for the body. These replace saturated fats and lower blood cholesterol. Heart keeps well. Controls insulin and controls blood sugar levels. Especially for type-2 diabetes, such fats are very useful. Two-thirds of boiled eggs are made up of such beneficial fats.

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Add a handful of nuts to your daily diet. If you are a little hungry in the morning and evening, eat some nuts, cashews and raisins without eating outside food or unhealthy snacks. It will also add nutrition to the body. At the same time the body will also be alkaline and the level of oxygen will increase.
Iron helps to supply oxygen to the tissues of the body. Yoga also has a lot of energy. And after giving plasma, iron deficiency occurs in the body It can cause fatigue and weakness. So iron-rich foods are needed to recover quickly. Nuts, fish, meat foods contain a lot of iron.

Fresh juice and water
The glycemic index of the fruit is lower than that of its juice. The glycemic index is a measure of how fast the sugars in a food increase blood sugar levels. Due to the high glycemic index of fruit juice, it is absorbed into the body more quickly. So it is better to eat whole fruit. It is very important to stay hydrated after giving plasma. Water or fresh juice helps to keep the body hydrated. It is important to drink plenty of water in the next 24 to 48 hours after plasma transfusions to help keep blood pressure in check.

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2021-05-17 14:00:35
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