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Want to get eye-catching beautiful legs? Then get to know 10 effective tips immediately

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If you look at your own pair of legs, many people will be ashamed to look. Because almost everyone makes the same mistake. Although care is taken to take care of other parts of the body, many people are seen to neglect the care of the feet. But beauty is possible only when we take full care of our feet as well as other parts of the body. And only then is it possible to make both legs eye-catching beautiful. So today let’s take a look at what we can do to get eye-catching beautiful legs.

1) If there are black spots on the feet, roll 1 piece of lemon in sugar and rub the skin of the feet well with it. It will do a good job of scrubbing and will remove blemishes due to the bleaching effect of lemon.

2) Before going to bed at night, mix cornflower in lukewarm water and soak your feet in it for 5-10 minutes.

3) The skin of many ankles becomes thick and cracked. To get rid of this, burn 1 onion and grind it well in Haman Dista. Then apply it regularly on the thick cracked skin of the soles of the feet. The problem will be solved within 1 month.

4) Mix half a teaspoon of vinegar in half a cup of tokadaiye. Then massage the whole leg with it. Wash off after 5 minutes. You can see the change in the skin with your own eyes.

5) Apply moisturizer not only on the skin of the face but also on the skin of the feet. This will keep the skin of the feet soft and supple. Will not get a chance to dry.

6) At least 5 days a week in hot water with a little salt and shampoo soak feet for 20 minutes. This will remove dirt, dust, fungus and bacteria from the feet. And the skin and nails of the feet will remain good.

6) If you want good feet, always give up the habit of reading hilajuto. Again, do not always wear thin sole shoes. Practice wearing 1 or 1.5 inch heel shoes.

6) It is better not to make the toenails too big. Because if the toenails are big, it prevents more dirt. This can lead to fungal attacks. Also, do not keep nail polish on the nails for a long time.

9) Be careful when removing hair. Do not use too many harmful chemicals. And I must use moisturizer after hair removal.

10) If there is any infection in the skin of the feet and the problem of fungus in the nails, do not neglect it at all. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.