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Want to lose weight, help daily breakfast – Kolkata24x7

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When we try to lose weight, many people think that if we do not eat breakfast, the amount of calories in the body may be reduced, and as a result will lose weight. Many people have a cup of tea or coffee instead of breakfast in the morning or do not eat at all. But for a long time this habit reduced rather than accelerated the process of weight loss. As a result do not want to lose weight easily. Let’s find out why you should have breakfast in the morning

1. If you do not eat for a long time while sleeping at night, the level of metabolism of the body decreases. As a result, the process of weight loss is slow. So it is necessary to eat something within an hour of waking up. Eating healthy and nutritious foods increases metabolism so that the process of weight loss continues throughout the day. Eggs, oats, upma, idli can be eaten as a healthy breakfast.

2. Studies have shown that eating a nutritious and healthy breakfast reduces the chances of overeating at night. People who do not eat anything in the morning are more likely to eat carbohydrates in the evening. Which can lead to weight gain.

3. Eating fiber-rich foods for breakfast in the morning reduces the tendency to eat unhealthy and sweet foods throughout the day. This type of sweet and unhealthy food is the main reason for weight gain. As a result, all weight loss plans can be thwarted.

4. Not eating breakfast means not eating healthy protein foods. If anyone has been planning to lose weight for a long time, they should know that protein plays a leading role in weight loss. Protein helps repair damaged cells and increase weight. So it is always necessary to eat protein foods for breakfast.

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2021-06-08 12:41:11
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