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Ways to be a successful freelancer –

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Freelancing is now a hot topic for developed and developing countries. The number of such people is increasing day by day who are taking freelancing as their livelihood. Competition is also increasing, Fiber Etc. in marketplaces. Local marketplace balancer has also been developed in Bangladesh. To succeed at this stage you must present yourself differently from others. But how? Today we will discuss five key points to becoming a successful freelancer.

1. Know yourself

There are basically three types of people in the outsourcing industry or freelancing. The first type of people are full time freelancers. These are basically professionals who don’t like desk jobs. The second type of people are part-time freelancers. They work a certain amount but regularly. And the third type of people suffer from indecision. They worry about what kind of work to do, whether full-time or part-time, or even freelancing at all.

Such people are in a really dangerous situation.

If you want to get out of this third type of team, first you have to have a good idea about your qualifications, what you are interested in, your weaknesses, your own skills. Be confident and set goals. It is not impossible for a person to have a legitimate profession if he starts with a firm determination.

2. Hold the option in hand

You will probably find many who are pursuing a single goal and are determined to achieve it. When it comes to freelancing, if you think so, there are several other things to keep in mind. Career is not a ‘mission’ but it is bigger than a ‘vision’. I hope you understand the difference between ‘Mission’ and ‘Vision’.

Mission is short term and vision is long term. However, you should always have a backup option as you should not rely on any one marketplace or a single client. Maybe your current client is very good but remember he won’t stay forever. In my experience, I have also seen people who have lost their clients only because of the increase in work fees.

3 Mistakes that need to be avoided as a new freelancer

In fact, in a competitive environment, the risk factor is very high. There can be many things like expiration of your project, closure of the marketplace, problems with your account, etc. And that’s why stay connected with more than one marketplace, grow clients, build networks, create your own portfolio profile.

3. Proper use of time

Time is of the essence when it comes to freelancing. Arrange your time so that it can be used properly. Use the time tracker app. Take notes with the help of tools like Evernote, Google Keep. Finish the client’s work on time. Punctuality and responsibility are very important in freelancing.

4. Choosing the right job

There are also many unscrupulous people in the freelancing marketplace. Therefore, before taking the job, make sure that the client is reliable. Pay attention to whether the payment method is verified, what is the rating of the client, what is the review of others about the client, etc. When the work is done, if the client is playing hide and seek with the payment, contact the support directly.

5. Learning something new

Till death do us part. Focus on staying up to date with the world, taking skill tests, joining new communities, learning new things related to your job field, improving communication skills, and more.

You can succeed in the world of freelancing if you make the right decisions about the above five things. As I said at the beginning, career is a big issue. If you fall into the lure of cash dollars and skip school and turn to freelancing, there is a lot of potential for loss. So if you work from a safe position you can expect success.

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