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Ways to keep skin clean – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Even if it is not visible to the eyes, it has a detrimental effect on the skin due to eating habits and environment.

But for healthy and youthful skin, it is necessary to keep the skin clean. The complexion is not something that can be taken care of.

In the report published in, India’s ‘cosmetic surgeon’ Dr. Karisma Kagod said, “Regular care is needed to remove dirt and toxins from the skin. However, it should not be limited to just ‘scrubbing’, ‘facial’ such beauty treatments. Besides, life must be orderly. ”

It is not a difficult rule, if you take care of some simple things, you will get pure radiant skin.

Keep yourself moist

It is important to keep yourself moist to remove toxins from the body. Drinking enough water keeps the pH level of the whole body right, starting from keeping the teeth well.

You can add a few pieces of cucumber, or pickled fruit with water. In addition to enhancing the taste of water, it will also help to add vitamins to the body.

Advice: Always keep a small bottle with you and drink water whenever you remember.

Healthy eating habits

Vitamins and minerals are needed to remove toxins from the skin. Healthy eating habits keep the body healthy, eliminate toxins and help meet proper nutritional needs.

Advice: You can make a habit of eating green sherbet such as coffee, cucumber and pineapple juice. It will provide adequate nutrition and vitamins to the body.

Get enough sleep

No amount of sleep can be reduced for any reason. Get in the habit of going to bed early at night, ensuring eight hours of sleep, and getting up early in the morning to keep your skin healthy and healthy. Which will also help reduce stress.

Advice: It is possible to get rid of sleep problems by making healthy eating habits.

Proper skin care

To keep the skin healthy, you should get up in the morning and clean and take good care of the skin. Because the body repairs during sleep. Recovery work continues on the skin.

Harmful substances that the body excretes মধ্যে during sleep may accumulate on the skin overnight. That is why it is necessary to clean the skin with cream based face wash before going to bed and getting up in the morning.

Advice: Exfoliate twice a week to keep skin looking good.

Consume less sugar

Eating too much sugar is harmful for the body. Excluding sugar from the diet also helps keep skin healthy. Eating sweets, chocolate, etc. can damage the skin and give the impression of rapid aging. It is better to eat fruits and foods that reduce appetite to reduce sugar intake.

Advice: You can eat dark chocolate instead of ordinary chocolate.

Eliminate toxicity with sweat

Exercise makes the body sweat. And through this sweat the skin removes toxic substances.

Advice: After sweating, the skin must be cleaned well. Otherwise these germs will accumulate in the hair follicles and cause various problems in the skin.

Use toner after washing face

It is not enough to just wash the face to keep the skin clean, it is also necessary to use toner. Alcohol-free toner balances skin pH levels and helps keep skin surfaces smooth.

Advice: It is beneficial to use toner made of natural ingredients to keep the skin smooth.

Stay away from alcohol and smoking

Undoubtedly these are bad for the body. Alcohol causes dehydration of the skin and leads to rapid dryness and fatigue. Smoking damages the collagen in the skin and gives the impression of rapid aging.

Advice: If you want to follow a healthy lifestyle, you should stay away from smoking and alcohol.

Do not bathe in hot water regularly

Bathing in hot water disturbs the pH balance of the skin and causes various skin problems. Moreover, after bathing in hot water in summer, it increases the level of sweat even more. As a result, the skin loses moisture. Also bathing in extra hot water causes acne.

Advice: Even if you take a bath in hot water, then soak your body with a little cold water. And if bathing with cold water is uncomfortable, then it is better to take bath with lukewarm water.

Keep skin moisturized with Vitamin Serum

Serum rich in Vitamin C and E works well for maintaining good skin health.

Advice: Use a light moisturizer with vitamins to keep the skin of the face and body looking good.

NH, 15 May