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Ways to make money from ride sharing

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Ride sharing is slowly becoming a popular part of communication in Bangladesh. As the customer base grows in the ride sharing sector, so does the demand for drivers. In such a situation, if you have a motorcycle or a private car, you can easily earn income by sharing rides in the coverage area. Many people now consider earning money from ride sharing as their preferred occupation. In this post we will know:

  • What a ride sharing
  • How Ride Sharing Works
  • Ride Sharing Services
  • Rules for making money by sharing rides

What is ride sharing?

Ride sharing is a simple concept. Vehicles are needed to get somewhere. Again, there are many who drive their own cars or motorbikes. Suppose you go to New Market from Dhanmondi with your private car. Many more people use this route. The rest of the seats in your private car are empty.

Now you can easily take 3 more people to Newmarket in your car if you want. That means you shared your vehicle with others. This made the journey of those three people comfortable, and they also gave you some money. This is your income. This is how the concept of ride sharing started.

Now many people are renting full time with their own or organization’s car / bike. In the case of ride sharing, cars are not rented off the road. Instead, the driver hire request is sent from the smartphone through the app and the ride sharing process starts when the rider (i.e. the driver) accepts the request.

In other words, the concept of traditional car rental process and ride sharing services is very similar. The only difference between the ride sharing apps is that the car rental is done through the smartphone app. There is nothing different here.

How does ride sharing work? How to make money from ride sharing?

We know what ride sharing is. Let’s try to understand how ride sharing actually works in a few simple steps.

  • First send a request to a rider near a customer using a ride sharing app or website
  • The ride sharing app basically delivers this request to the nearest rider
  • When the rider accepts the request, he picks up the customer from the mentioned place in the vehicle
  • After reaching the destination, the customer makes cash, mobile banking services or online payment
  • Phones of both the customer and the rider GPS Apps work depending on the service

In other words, in this process of ride sharing, a total of three driving forces work together. First comes the ride sharing app company. Who created the platform for riders and customers. The rider is the driver and the customer is the passenger.

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Ride Sharing Services gets a certain portion of each ride, from which the rest can be taken as profit, excluding their management costs. This means that if you register as a rider in a ride sharing app, the app company will charge you some money for their service charge.

Ways to make money from ride sharing

Some popular ride sharing services in Bangladesh

There are several ride sharing services in the country, both nationally and internationally. Let’s take a look at the notable ride sharing services available in the country.

Send – Pathao

Start the journey in May 2015 and send. At present the company is providing services in three big cities of the country, Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet. Pathao has more than 6 million customers and more than 3 million driver-delivery agents across the country. In addition to ride sharing, there are numerous services including courier service, food delivery, e-commerce service.

Motorcycle or car can be rented using Pathao app. The Send app in the Play Store must be downloaded on both Send Passenger and Driver phones.

Uber – Uber

Uber is the first international ride sharing app to enter the country. The service started its journey in November 2016. At present it is available in Chittagong, Dhaka, Cox’s Bazar and Sylhet Uber Its service.

An Uber passenger can send a request for a car, microbus, motorbike or scooter. There are also CNG powered autorickshaws. By downloading the app, you can easily use Uber’s app to open an account. Uber also often offers lucrative offers.

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Obhai – Obhai

Ovai is a Bangladeshi ride sharing service run under the slogan “Deliver” which, like others, offers ride sharing services like cars, microbuses, motorbikes and CNG depending on the distance to the destination. At present Ovai’s services are available in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Comilla, Cox’s Bazar, etc.

Other ride sharing services

In addition to the platforms mentioned, many more ride sharing services are popular in different parts of the country. Ride sharing services like Taxiwala, Speed, Come on, My Bike, Jabo, Pick Me, etc. are slowly gaining popularity.

Some women-run ride-sharing apps have also been launched to provide separate protection for women. Many people also use these services like Pink Sam, Lily or Obon. All in all, the country’s ride sharing services are now much more readily available. Just waiting for it to launch in your area!

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Earnings from ride sharing

Most ride sharing services work almost the same way. To earn money from ride sharing, you first need to open an account as a driver by providing relevant information on a ride sharing platform. Then you can easily earn by sharing the ride.

For the convenience of understanding we will learn about the process of earning from some of the ride sharing services already mentioned here. However, you can easily earn money by opening an account as a driver by visiting the website of any ride sharing service of your choice.

Send Income – Send Income From Ride Sharing

With the help of Pathao, you can earn money through bikes, cars and even bicycles. If you have a bike, you can earn by sharing rides, delivering food and sending parcels. In case of car, income is possible through ride sharing. If you want to earn money from sending by bicycle, you can give food or parcel delivery.

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You must have a smartphone to earn money from send. It is also mandatory to have a national ID card or passport. In case of income from car and bike from Pathao, the bike and car must have driving license and proper documents. Sending 10% to 15% of the fare received from the passenger is also accepted as service charge. The rest is up to the rider.

To earn income by sending rides from Pathao

  • “Send driver” from the Play Store Download the app Please
  • Send the appropriate information and sign up for the driver account
  • When the account is successfully opened, keep the status of the send driver app online
  • Finally, confirm the functionality of your phone’s GPS and wait for the ride request
  • When you receive a ride request, complete it and accept payment via cash, bKash or Rocket (whichever is applicable).

Income from Uber – Income from Uber Ride Sharing

Ride sharing from Uber can be done in almost the same way as Pathao. It is mandatory to have driving license, NID card, car registration, tax token, insurance, etc. to earn by sharing rides from Uber. According to the information on Uber’s website, Uber receives about 25% commission on rent.

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To make money by sharing rides from Uber

  • First Uber as an online driver Account Register Please
  • Verify the driver’s account by providing driving license and other relevant information
  • Then sign the online agreements and add the desired vehicle to the Uber account
  • Finally, according to the rules of your city, go to Uber’s Local Activation Center and start the process of Uber Account Activation.
  • Once the Uber account is opened and the setup process is complete, you can earn money by sharing rides in the same way as Pathao.

Ovai, Move, Sam, etc. offer ride sharing services in almost the same way as Pathao and Uber. You can register as a driver using the websites or apps of these companies. The condition of registration as a driver is proper NID card / passport, vehicle license, driving license, etc.

Do you make money from ride sharing? Or a user? Or both! Let us know your valuable feedback about ride sharing service in Bangladesh in the comments section.

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