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Ways to make money from YouTube

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earn money from youtube

The popularity of YouTube is growing in tandem with the popularity of video content. The issue of making money from YouTube is not unknown at present. However, there are several ways to earn money from YouTube. Let’s find out how to make money from youtube or how to make money from youtube.

How To Make Money From YouTube

Many people think that the only way to earn money from YouTube is through Adsense monetization. However, this idea is completely wrong. There are multiple ways to earn money from YouTube. E.g.

  • YouTube Partner Program
  • Product sales
  • Video editing service
  • Product Review and Affiliate Marketing
  • Online course
  • Sponsored Content
  • Donation

Proceeds from the YouTube Partner Program

In the YouTube Partner Program Not only can you earn money with AdSense by joining, but there are many more benefits to joining the YouTube Partner Program.

By joining the YouTube Partner Program, you can avail the benefits of YouTube Premium Subscription Fee, Super Chat, Channel Membership Program, etc.

You will need a YouTube channel to join the YouTube Partner Program. YouTube channel To know the rules of opening Click here Please.

To join the YouTube Partner Program, you must have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of video watchtime on your YouTube channel in the last 12 months. There will also be no copyright strikes on the YouTube channel.

The matter of the YouTube channel partner program is known as monetization. Find out if your YouTube channel is suitable for monetization

  • YouTube Studio Enter
  • Click on Monetisation from the left side menu
  • Then you will see the monetization Eligibility status of your channel
  • If your channel is suitable for monetization, you will see the Apply Now button
  • If your channel is not yet suitable for monetization, something will appear
youtube monetization eligibility

If your YouTube channel is the official YouTube AdSense Account GuideWho supports, then you can open an AdSense account. There are some guidelines for YouTube channel monetization. E.g.

  • Ed Revenue: To get YouTube video ad revenue, you need to be video advertiser-friendly so that advertisers agree to show ads on your videos. You must also be 18 years of age or older to receive ad revenue.
  • YouTube Premium Revenue: If a YouTube premium member watches your YouTube video, you will receive a portion of that viewer’s subscription as revenue.
  • Channel Membership: To sell membership to the channel’s subscribers, you need to have a minimum of 30,000 subscribers.
  • Super chat The money that viewers pay for a chat during a live stream is called a super chat. However, there is no super chat feature on YouTube in Bangladesh.

3 Ways to make money from YouTube shorts

3 What is YouTube Copyright Strike? How to stay safe?

You can earn money from YouTube by joining the YouTube Partner Program by following the above policy.

Earnings from YouTube by selling products

Sales of various products are now becoming a major source of income for YouTubers and public figures. If your channel has enough fan following, who will be interested in buying from you, then you can sell merchandise to the subscribers of youtube channel.

Since your YouTube channel is also a brand, try to own the merchandise sold. As a result, your promotion as a channel will be free.

Learn more: Rules for opening a YouTube channel

You can also get feedback on the product from viewers. As a result, the product can be sold easily. You can sell merchandise by opening an online shop or even on a Facebook page.

Income with video editing service

Since you upload videos to YouTube, you need to be proficient in video editing. If you think your video editing is better than others and you are good at it, then you can provide video editing services.

You can provide video editing services to other YouTubers for a fee. You can also earn good money by doing video editing on various freelancing platforms.

Video editing is a highly demanding service. So if you have expertise in this subject, you can earn income by helping others.

Learn more: What is freelancing and how to make money online by freelancing

Earn money from YouTube through product reviews and affiliate marketing

A huge number of viewers rely on YouTube to learn about a new product or to decide to buy a product. Using this opportunity, it is possible to earn money from YouTube through product reviews and affiliate marketing.

There is a lot of demand for all kinds of product reviews on YouTube right now. In addition to simplifying the viewer’s buying decision by providing affiliate link to purchase in the description of these product reviews, you can also get commission. You can promote your own merchandise along with other products through your video.

Earn money from YouTube by selling online courses

If you run an educational YouTube channel, you can create online courses with the best of what you teach. Also, if viewers are interested in learning something specific about your video, then selling online courses can be a source of income for you from YouTube.

Earnings from YouTube through sponsored content

If your channel has enough subscribers, then various organizations can contact you automatically to find out about sponsorship. Also, if the topic of your video and the product or service of an organization is similar, you can also contact that organization to talk about sponsorship.

Learn more: The perfect way to increase YouTube video views

Sponsored content is now a major source of revenue for YouTubers. Basically different organizations buy specific segments of video or complete video for the promotion of their products or services for money. In addition, there are many types of sponsored content deals.

Income from YouTube through donations

If your YouTube channel is small and YouTube is your only source of work and income, then full-time YouTube can be challenging for you.

Small content creators who can’t earn enough money from YouTube in any other way can take financial help directly from the subscribers. Patrion Sites like this have made this a lot easier.

Answers to common questions about income from YouTube

How much does YouTube pay per 1000 views?

YouTube for 3 to 5 dollars per 1000 views which can be 250 to 400 rupees or less in Bangladeshi rupees. It is not possible to say for sure.

Is income from YouTube halal?

YouTube makes money by showing ads on videos and sharing them with content creators. If your video or ad shows something that conflicts with Islam, it can cause problems. You can answer this question by talking to a well-known scholar about the content of your channel and the advertisements displayed.

How do I withdraw money from YouTube?

Money can be withdrawn from YouTube through bank account.

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