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Ways to make money playing games

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Ways to make money playing games

Earn money by playing games? Surprising to hear, but now it is possible to earn money by playing games. Everyone loves to play games. This is why earning money from gaming requires strategy and hard work.

For many, the hard work of earning money by gaming spoils the fun of playing games. So the decision to earn money by playing games is your own. However, if it is possible to earn money from the work of one’s choice, then no one should have a problem.

If you have time, consider making money from games. Otherwise this decision may not be successful.

Note that in this article, we are not talking about the development of money by playing games. The issue of earning money by developing games is not yet established enough. In this article we will talk about ways to earn money through video games.

Ways to make money playing games

There are several ways to earn money by gaming. We will learn about some of the significant ways to earn money by playing games. The main ways to earn money by playing games are:

  • Livestream
  • Game journalism
  • Video game guides and tutorials
  • Gaming podcasts or YouTube channels
  • Gaming Tournament
  • Game testing
  • Selling accounts or digital items


Currently, the popularity of the game’s livestream is at another level. If you are proficient in a game and you have the equipment to livestream, then playing games can be your main source of income.

If you have a sufficient livestream audience, it is possible to earn money from livestream through multiple channels. It is possible to earn money by displaying paid ads in livestream, with donations, subscription models, etc.

Learn more: Rules for opening a YouTube channel

Twitch is currently the largest game livestreaming platform. However, the game is becoming popular for livestream with YouTube and Palla. Facebook has also been added. There are also numerous new game livestream platforms and recently gaining popularity.

However, in order to earn from Livestream, you will need a large number of live viewers. In the beginning you may not even get 10 viewers. However, if you continue the livestream with patience, you will see gradual improvement.

Whether on the phone or on the computer, Ahamri doesn’t need any gear to stream live. Livestream is a game that people will love to watch, funny personalities and streaming software.

In addition to the things mentioned above, I want your internet speed to be better. Otherwise it will be difficult to maintain the video quality of the game livestream, which is a very important issue.

Game journalism

Do you like to play games as well as write? Then you can write news, reviews, interviews, etc. related to the game and gaming industry. If you want, you can write on any existing game related website or you can open your own website.

You can also earn money by writing articles as a freelancer. If you open your own gaming related website, then you can earn money from the website in multiple ways.

Like all other industries, there is a lot of competition in journalism. If you want to write for an existing website, then you need to prove your portfolio and work skills. Even if you start your own website, it will take some time to get enough audience to earn money.

IGN Exclude large websites like this or startup gaming websites, send your writing to websites that have a good audience and acceptance. In the beginning you can also write free guest posts for some small sites. The relationship continues to grow.

Video game guides and tutorials

When a new player starts playing a multiplayer or other game, most of the time they resort to YouTube to learn the game. As a result, there is a huge demand for video game guides and tutorials on platforms like YouTube.

If you are an expert in any game, then it is possible to make money by making video game guides and tutorials. If you want, you can create written guides and tutorials, create YouTube videos, and even create ebooks.

Earnings can be made through advertisements and donations from websites or videos. On the other hand, it is possible to earn money by selling ebooks directly.

Anyone can create gaming guides and tutorials. So in this case too you have to be unique to earn. You will need different skills, such as writing or making videos.

Bounty program GameFAQs runs a campaign called, where up to মার্কিন 200 is paid for a detailed discussion of one of the mentioned games. But in this case, you have to write the perfect writing using both time and consideration. Only then will your written website be accepted.

In the case of video games and tutorials, first find a game that has a sufficient player base. Find out the problem by playing the game and find the solution.

For example, in Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), write tutorials on Gold Power Guide, Level Up Guide, Raid Guide, etc. Player vs. Player games can teach you secret techniques. If it is a single player game, it is possible to get the audience easily by creating a guide on how to cross certain achievements or trophies or challenges.

Gaming podcasts or YouTube channels

If you have enough knowledge about games and gaming industry, you can start gaming podcast. Having a YouTube channel is also very important for all creators nowadays. Try to maintain your presence on almost all the platforms that gamers use.

For example: the most subscribed private channel in the world, Pudipay is a gaming channel. Pudipay has gained popularity on YouTube by playing games like Minecraft, GTA 5 etc.

Learn more: Ways to make money from YouTube

However, along with other sources of income from this list, it is not possible to earn money from the first day through podcasts or YouTube videos. Initially, there will be no revenue from podcasts or YouTube channels. So if you want to earn, you have to keep working.

Podcasts need to be up to date with the latest gaming news, which can be a problem for many. In that case, it is possible to earn money by regularly uploading the gameplay of the game that you play well.

Gaming Tournament

Player vs. Player (PvP) games, such as Pubji, Free Fire, etc., are regular tournaments. Currently almost all games have tournaments, where any player can participate. The more popular a game is, the more revenue it can earn by winning a game tournament.

If you can make a significant contribution to the e-sports tournament, you can also get various sponsor deals. Pro-gamers are sponsored by various gaming related organizations.

Learn more: What is freelancing and how to make money online by freelancing

If you are proficient in a game, you can join an e-sports company. Competitive gamers also make huge sums of money by uploading videos to livestream and YouTube.

Game testing

Any game goes through multiple development testing before release. When it comes to game testing, most developers hire game testers from outside. Platestar’s job is to play a game and present its errors and problems to the developer, which will allow the game to be properly accepted before it is released.

Currently anyone can be a game tester. If you are not a tester of a big game company, you can’t make a lot of money. Most of the Platesting campaigns are for mobile games.

You can visit different job boards to get involved in Platesting. Also PlatestCloud Or Betatesting You can also visit dedicated websites like this in search of a Platesting Campaign.

Selling accounts or digital items

If you have enough time in a game, you can earn money by exchanging or selling in-game items. Many gaming related items can also be resale. Player Auctions Many websites like this have made the task of game item exchange easier.

You can earn money by exchanging or selling items as well as by selling your account. New players of any game are now looking for old accounts. As a result, the price of the old account is better.

If you are a full-time gamer, you can create a second account in addition to your original gaming account, which can be sold later to earn significant money.

It is also possible to earn money by playing games on behalf of other players. Many players encounter obstacles to complete different game levels or game objectives. In that case you can help the player for a certain amount of money.

What is your opinion about earning money by playing games or gaming? Let us know in the comments section.

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