Roasted Kabli Chhola-Kabli gram contains protein, fiber and various vitamins and minerals. Half a cup of kabali gram contains 5 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. It contains a lot of amino acids. Which your body needs. Take the amount of kabali gram. Boil it. Then put a teaspoon of oil in the pan. Mix chopped onion, chilli and tomato with it and shake it in a pan. Then spread the amount of lemon and salt. Make your food. It contains very few calories. Which is also delicious to eat.
Keep a bottle of dry fruit –Keep a bottle of various dried fruits. You can eat nuts, cashews, pesto, walnuts, almonds. If you want to eat something sweet, you can also eat dates or dried berries. The stomach will fill up quickly.
Dark Chocolate-Dark Chocolate Those who do not go without sweets at all can eat a piece of dark chocolate a day. It contains a variety of nutrients. Dark chocolate contains low-fat milk and cocoa. Dark chocolate can instantly improve your mood. You can eat dark chocolate if you want to eat something sweet. Your calories will not increase.
Popcorn-Eating popcorn but very good. It has a lot of fiber and protein. You can choose from a variety of flavored popcorn. Popcorn will not only make your mind better, it will also keep your health better.
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2021-06-16 19:33:35
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