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What is internet and how it works

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What is internet and how it works

Internet – Nowadays, this term has become an integral part of our lives. The use of the internet has increased so much in our lives that many people compare the closure of the internet to the closure of the internet. Many people consider the right to use the internet as a human right.

Let’s find out what is this widely used internet in daily life, how the internet works, internet history, details about the advantages and disadvantages of internet.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is basically an interconnected network between countless computers and devices in different parts of the world. In other words, the Internet is the sum total of many interconnected computer and device networks around the world. The Internet is a networking system open to all types of people.

How the Internet works

As we already know, the Internet is a medium for exchanging a wide variety of data and media across a wide range of interconnected devices worldwide. The Internet works using packet routing networks, which are connected via Internet Protocol (IP) and Transport Control Protocol (TCP). TCP and IP simultaneously ensure that the Internet can be used seamlessly on any device from any center in the world.

Data is sent through the Internet in the form of packets and messages. Data sent over the Internet is called a message, which is converted into small pieces or packets before being sent.

These messages and packets travel from one source to another using IP and TCP. IP is basically some system rules that monitor the transmission of data from one computer to another.

History of the Internet

The Internet can be considered as a relatively new invention considering the age of the world or human civilization. When the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik-1 satellite into Earth orbit in 1956, the United States was once again on the move to explore science and technology. To that end, the Federal Administration established a number of agencies in 1956. ARPA was one of these newly created agencies.

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Arpa was originally a computer science research project in the Department of Defense. The main objective of this project was to establish an easy medium for exchanging information between scientists and researchers. J.C.R. Leaklider was Arpa’s director at the time. He was one of the dreamers of creating this information exchange, which was going to come true in a few years.

Without Arpa, it would never have been possible to come to the present internet. The first version of the Internet, ARPANET, was born as a result of the efforts of this organization. Although Leaklider left Arpa a few years before the creation of ARPANET, his thinking and foresight were the main force behind the creation of ARPANET.

From the beginning, ARPANET was seen as a part of success. In 1971, ARPANET’s host number rose to 23 with the aim of bringing universities and government research centers under one roof.

Between 1974 and 1981, the idea of ​​ARPANET was gradually introduced to the public to facilitate its commercialization. ARPANET, designed for military and research purposes, was transformed into the “Telnet” in 1974 by Beranek and Newman. In 1981, the number of ARPANET hosts rose to 213, with one new host being added every 20 days.

The word “Internet” was first used in 1972 The number of Internet hosts exceeded the milestone of 1,000 in 1984, 10,000 in 1986 and 30,000 in 1990.

By 1967, the Internet had become a major means of communication. Internet-based words like hacker began to come to life when, on November 1, 1986, a malicious program called “Internet Worm” crippled 6,000 out of 70,000 hosts. However, an emergency team was immediately formed to find a solution to the problem.

In this way, today’s internet has completed 25 years of its creation in 1997, overcoming various ups and downs. Digital security continues to grow. Arpanet is slowly taking shape in today’s internet.

Who is the father of internet?

The father of the Internet is called Vinton Gray Cerf. He was the co-inventor of TCP / IP. He played an important role while working for DARPA. He also created an email platform called MCI Mail while working at MCI.

Number of Internet users

As of January 2021, there are currently 4.6 billion active Internet users in the world, or 59.5 percent of the world’s population. Of these, 4.32 billion people use the Internet through mobile.

Top countries using the internet

China is at the top of the world in terms of internet users. India is the second largest user of the Internet. The United States has the second highest number of Internet users after India. Bangladesh ranks ninth in the list of top countries in internet usage.

Internet is a blessing or a curse?

The Internet is undoubtedly a blessing for mankind. But many people magnify the harmful aspects of it. We will know the advantages and disadvantages of internet in the next segments.

The benefits of the Internet

Some of the notable benefits of the Internet are:

  • Information about anything that can be imagined is available on the Internet
  • The powerful search engine on the Internet has any information at hand
  • Research on all kinds of information is possible at home using the Internet
  • People who are interested in the same subject can be found in one place so the solution to any problem can be found on the internet very easily
  • It is possible to communicate very easily through free email service
  • Platforms with messaging, video and audio calling feature keep in touch with any part of the world.
  • People from all over the world can make friends at home through the internet
  • If you want to know something, you can easily find a solution with the help of Q&A websites
  • All kinds of news are available on the internet
  • Learning from the Internet can lead to new skills.

Problems with the Internet

In addition to the advantages of the Internet, there are a number of disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages of the Internet are:

  • The internet is full of innumerable misinformation that anyone can post anything on the internet
  • Many people are reluctant to spend time with their family and friends as a result of internet addiction
  • Young people are misled by pornography on the Internet
  • There are many fake websites on the internet through which cunning people steal money
  • Many people lose their personal information when caught by hackers and fall prey to computer viruses

Internet Speed ​​Test

There are many websites and apps for testing internet speed. According to the rules given in our other post 6 Internet Speed ​​Test Do it easily!

Why the Internet is off

Occasionally different websites cannot be accessed using our phone or computer. This kind of thing happens for two reasons. One is – the website you want to access is down. This could also be due to internet problems. In that case If you enter the website and enter the link of the site that you cannot access, you will get information about whether the site is down or there is a problem with your internet.

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