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What is known about the new panic white fungus – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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White fungus has emerged as a new problem in India after black fungus broke out in the second wave of the Covid-19 infection.

Citing Indian doctors, the country’s media say the white fungus is far more dangerous and frightening than the previously identified black fungus.

Public health expert Mushtaq Hossain says the black fungus has already been declared an emergency health condition in India.

“It simply came to our notice then. Adequate research will help to understand the difference. However, any fungal infection is due to excessive steroid use. Corona patients, especially those in ICU, need to be given steroids for treatment. After recovering from corona, many people are seeing fungal infections. That is what is being expressed in various ways now, ”he told BBC Bangla.

Meanwhile, Indian media reports say at least four people have been infected with the white fungus in the Indian state of Bihar. However, they were not attacked by Corona. But despite the symptoms of corona, it was not detected in the test.

What is white fungus, what is the difference with black fungus

Doctors in India have reported that a rare infection in the body of a person recovering from covid is called “black fungus” or scientifically called mycorrhizae.

Mucormycosis is a very rare infection. The infection is caused by contact with a fungus called mucosa. The fungus is commonly found in soil, plants, fertilizers, and rotting fruits and vegetables.

The fungus infects the sinuses, brain and lungs. People with diabetes, cancer or HIV / AIDS, or those who have very low immunity to corona or any other disease have the highest risk of infection from this mucosa.

Dr Mushtaq Hossain says steroid use can trigger the infection. Seriously infected people with Covid-19 are now being treated with steroids to save their lives.

When the body’s immune system becomes too active to fight the coronavirus virus, doctors also use steroids to treat the damage that results in damage to various parts of the body.

Mr Hossain says fungal infections are on the rise when the immune system is weakened.

Now Indian doctors say the most dangerous form is white fungus. The effects of this disease can lead to lung problems. White fungus can also damage the stomach, liver, brain, nails, skin and genitals.

However, details about the white fungus are not yet available. Doctors have speculated that the white fungus could become more dangerous, given the number of patients who have been diagnosed so far.

NA / May 21