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What is meant by copyright, patent and trademark?

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What is meant by copyright, patent and trademark?

In the modern world, material resources as well as intellectual property play an important role. Billions of dollars worth of legal battles are raging between big companies over this intellectual property or ‘intellectual property’. For example, about iOS-Android Apple-Samsung patent war And with the use of Java on Android Google-Oracle is a long-term case Can be recalled.

In this post we will discuss three ‘terms’ related to intellectual property. Hopefully after reading the whole post we will be able to easily differentiate between them. The three terms are ‘patent’, ‘copyright’ and ‘trademark’. Let’s get started.

1. Patent

‘Patent’ is something unique or Exclusive rights Which are paid to an inventor by a legally competent authority for his invention. Patents are granted for any scientific or technological invention or invention. Patents are granted for a specified period which can be renewed later. Everyone can learn about patented innovation techniques through the relevant legal department. For example, the first Television patented German scientist Paul Gottlieb Nipko.

2. Copyright

Copyright is the collective name for certain rights that govern the expression or use of information. Copyright is given for literary or creative work.

mickey mouse ....

Copyright is usually valid for a limited time. After that period, the work falls into the ‘public domain’. It is possible to have intellectual property for various types of creative, intellectual or artistic work. Copyright for poems, stories, songs and other works of art Is applicable. For example, the design of ‘Mickey Mouse’ is Disney’s copyrighted property.

3. Trademark

A trademark is a sign or symbol that distinguishes a product or service from an organization or source from another product or service. Typically, trademarks are printed on product wrappers or other paperwork. This can be seen in the installation of the respective organization. Trademarks are given for a specified period which is renewable. The following symbols are usually used to express a trademark Used:

  • 3 R in the middle of a circle which means it is a trademark approved and registered by the appropriate state authority.
  • 3 The English letter TM or ‘Trade Mark’ is a symbol of an unregistered trademark. It is used to introduce a product or brand to people.
  • ℠ The English letter SM or ‘Service Mark’ is also used to introduce a product or brand to the people. Once the service mark is registered 3 Can be expressed with the help of symbols.

windows logo ...

A trademark is usually an image, color, letter, or symbol. For example, the Windows logo is a registered trademark of US software maker Microsoft.

Common examples

Think of a ‘cookbook’ or a ‘recipe book’. It describes the cooking / preparation of different foods. This cookbook may have been copyrighted by a publisher or author. As a result, if the copyright is reprinted, modified or edited without the permission of the owner, the owner may take legal action against him. That is the significance of copyright.

On the other hand, the recipes in the cookbook may not be protected by copyright. That is, if the egg frying technique is given in that book, then you can write the same egg frying technique in your book as you like. Because, the general technique of frying eggs is not patented by anyone. The bottom line is that if you don’t copy-paste directly from someone else’s recipe book, you won’t have to deal with copyright issues anymore. Patents basically deal with innovative techniques. And trademarks are symbols used for business contacts.

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