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What is the benefit of buying GitHub from Microsoft?

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Microsoft announced last Monday Gave That they are buying GitHub for ৫ 7.5 billion. GitHub is a startup company and website where different users can save and host their software projects. If you want, you can download a project from here and then edit and submit the update. This site was started to help in software development.

Microsoft as a tech giant has already bought many companies. They have also recently acquired LinkedIn. Microsoft acquired these startup companies to further enhance their core products and services. So, what is the benefit of buying GitHub from Microsoft?

GitHub is a cloud based service. And you must know that Microsoft has its own cloud computing service called Azure. Microsoft is focusing more on improving its cloud services than ever before. So if they buy GitHub and integrate it well with Azure, it will be a good help to compete with other cloud computing competitors including Amazon, Google.

On the one hand, GitHub is a very popular platform for developers and programming fans. On the other hand, the support of the developer community is very important in the development of Microsoft’s own products.

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code and .net Framework are very popular developer tools. If Microsoft can integrate GitHub with these, developers will be more attracted to Microsoft products. It can be said that the profit book of Microsoft will be heavier.

Although GitHub software is used to host projects, it also has a great use as a social network. Here thousands of professional developers and students can share their software development with the community.

To run the software, the user / developer has to download the code / package and run it on their device. But if Microsoft can integrate GitHub with their Azure cloud platform to run software in the cloud, it will be a very tempting feature for many developers. Because then developers will be eager to use Microsoft Azure without using other cloud computing services including Google, Amazon.

Microsoft has already begun integrating many of GitHub’s features with its own services. So wait and see what happens!

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