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What is the future of Google Plus? –

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google plus fate imgVic Gandotra, creator of Google Plus social networking services, has announced his retirement from Google. Mr. Gandotra has been with the search company since 2006, whose primary job was to build a rival Facebook-Twitter service. Google Plus was launched in June 2011 and currently has over 540 million users.

However, there is some controversy over the popularity and usability of Google Plus in the technology world. Many call the site a “ghost town”. However, Google has claimed that this idea is wrong.

What will be the future of the service in the absence of Vic Gandotra, the father of Google Plus? Will it be closed? Or withdraw from the competition? Speculation has started about this.

Will Google Plus be shut down?

Technology site TechCrunch cites multiple own sources ReportedGoogle will most likely withdraw from the list of social networking media providers this time around.

That is, Google Plus After that it will no longer be a ‘product’ but a ‘platform’. Then Google This will take a look at the fact that the site will not usually have any technical development. At least that’s what TechCrunch sources suggest.

However, a Google spokesperson denied the rumors. He says they will continue to invest in Google Plus.

The magazine further writes that Google’s messaging feature Hangout and the latest photo feature will be closely integrated with Android in the future. TechCrunch has also claimed that the search firm is using manpower from Google Plus department for other purposes.

There has been a lot of controversy over Google’s social networking services. But it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. So a question is coming around. And that is – what is the future of Google Plus?

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