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What is the future of Huawei smartphones? –

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Huawei Android

Several US companies, including Google, have announced the severance of all business ties with Chinese tech giant Huawei. This news is not unknown to anyone. Basically, they are doing this on the urgent instructions of US President Trump and the US government out of suspicion of information smuggling. Technology has been hot on this Huawei issue for quite some time now. With companies like Huawei or Google so big, it’s no longer just a technology issue, it’s a big economic and commercial issue.

The Huawei issue is not clear to many people yet so many questions have arisen in the minds of many. Today’s post is to find the answers to these questions.

What will happen to the Huawei phones in the hands of the customers?

Google And Huawei Both companies have already answered this question in response to user concerns. Although they answer this question separately, the essence of the answer is the same. That is, the phones currently in the hands of the customers and the unsold ones in the store, even the phones awaiting release in the factory will get all the usual services like Android Security Patch Update and Google Play Protect as usual.

This means that existing phones are not subject to this ban. However, how long this service will remain in force is still unclear.

Generally flagship phones get updated over a long period of time. So I hope there is nothing to worry about the current Huawei flagships. Ordinary phones are expected to receive the same updates as usual. So far, despite Google’s ban, Google is still operating normally on all Huawei phones and regular updates are coming.

Huawei is bringing an alternative to Android?

Huawei was ready for such an event long before Google’s ban. The company feared something like this might happen. According to various tech media reports, Huawei has been working internally with its own alternative OS for Android for the last six years.

Huawei Indications of the creation of an alternative operating system long ago Gave. However, they did not elaborate. Although Google has reserved the rights to Android, a part of it is open source. This means that anyone can modify it to create a new Android based OS without the permission of Google.

So if Huawei still wants to create a new OS based on Android open source or can now add to the phone without any help from Google by removing the Google service from their EMUI. The idea is that if everything goes like this, they will bring a new OS phone by the middle of next year.

Will Huawei’s new OS be able to stand?

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Currently all the apps in the market are for Android or iOS. Although there are other OS in the market, the developers are not very interested in making apps for them. Because the market share of Android and iOS is the most. So who can say that if Huawei brings a new OS, it will not suffer from shortage of apps?

However, if they bring an Android open source or AOSP based OS, they will benefit from this as it will support the common Android app.

According to various reports, even though Google’s service is not pre-installed on Huawei’s new OS, it is available on all Android apps. Will support. Which means it’s about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well.

Needless to say, ordinary customers will be inconvenienced without Google’s service. You need to manually install Google Play and Google Services app on your phone, you will not get Google security update – there are many problems.

Many people say that as a result of Google’s ban, Gmail, YouTube and Maps will not work on the phone. Whether this idea is right or wrong will be understood in due course. Shaomi’s Chinese ROM phone is currently installing Google Play apps including Playstore, Gmail, YouTube, Chrome. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

However, if Huawei offers the opportunity to unlock the bootloader, then it may be possible to root the phone and install it unofficially on Google’s phone without Google’s knowledge.

So no matter how good Huawei’s new OS is, it remains to be seen how much it can stand next to Android or iOS without Google’s service.

Can this ban be relaxed?

Already know that the Trump administration is temporarily considering everything Huawei has a limited 3-month license Gave Continuing to do business with US companies. Although it is not something permanent. This means that Huawei may have to look at alternatives in the end. But it is definitely raising some hopes.

Trump more Says He may also include Huawei in the forthcoming Sino-US trade deal in Beijing. He may even allow Huawei to operate normally, subject to conditions similar to those of ZTE. Only time will tell.

However, Trump’s ban will hurt US companies as much as it will hurt Huawei. 5G technology to come forward Important patents A large part of it is owned by Huawei. Moreover, China may be tough on the US over Huawei. So the idea is that even if the ban is relaxed after a certain period of time under pressure from US companies or for their own interests.

Should you buy a Huawei phone right now?

This is a difficult question, the answer to which depends on your personal will. Even after this ban, Huawei is marketing them in Bangladesh Continuing And advising customers not to be upset. Huawei is a huge company. So if you buy the phones in the market, you will not miss anything according to them. Instead you will get all the regular updates and services.

And then, unfortunately, if Android and Google services on these phones are shut down, then Huawei may not let their customers fall into the abyss. They will make sure that their new ecosystem runs smoothly on existing phones. In other words, since they have announced, they can be confident that they will provide the best service to the customers.

After all, it is safe to say that consumers will think twice before buying the current Huawei phone on the market. Anyone who has never thought about updating their phone software in their life will think about whether Gmail and YouTube will work when they go to buy a Huawei phone. Needless to say, Huawei’s phone sales will decline if you think about these aspects.

So what will happen to Huawei?

Billions of dollars have been questioned! In fact, neither Huawei CEO nor President Trump can answer this question. However, it is true that if you do not get the license of Android, Huawei’s phone business will face serious losses. Not just Android, but Huawei phones Processor And for other parts of the world, the US is banning them.

Now it is a big question which Huawei will handle. Even Memory card Use and WiFi technology Also Huawei faces sanctions

“Revolution or Death”

So the “battle” is not just with Android, but with some important parts of mobile devices. Only time will tell how Huawei will be rescued from here. It’s a lot like that famous quote – “revolution or death”. If Huawei can’t revolutionize this situation anyway, then the downturn in their phone business as an alternative would be inevitable. We will have to wait and see how deep it will be.

Bonus: So far, Huawei has been banned

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