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What kind of food do COVID positives eat? What’s left! Learn expert advice

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  • Kovid infection is increasing every day. Immunity must be increased to fight infection.
  • So this time the experts said to look at Khawadawa.
  • Good nutrition is very important for Kovid patients and those who are slowly recovering.
  • In fact, during this time the body becomes very weak. The body does not feel well after the symptoms appear.

This time the digital desk: Kovid infection is increasing every day. Immunity must be increased to fight infection. So this time the experts said to look at Khawadawa. Good nutrition is very important for Kovid patients and those who are slowly recovering. In fact, during this time the body becomes very weak. The body does not feel well after the symptoms appear.

Vaccines are not only enough to prevent viral infections, but also to eat healthy foods to fight infections. People with weakened immune systems also have a higher risk of infection. So, what to eat and what foods to avoid, or what a positive patient’s diet chart should look like from morning to night.

I want calories as well as nutrition
Calories should be taken according to body weight
Protein requirement1-1.5 grams per body weight
Fat requirements25-30 percent of total calories

Vitamin-D daily10-1000 mcg
Vitamin-E 134-800 mg
Zinc30-220 mg
Vitamin C200 mg to 3 g
The above mentioned nutrients help to heal faster.

What will be the nutrition for COVID patients
According to experts, Kovid patients should not be given stale food at all.
Eat a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
According to the patient’s body, try to give nutritional supplements and antioxidants.
During this time, experts recommend regular physical activity and some breathing exercises.

Weight loss

Covid DietWhat to Eat and What Not?
1. During this time many tastes and smells go away. It is difficult to swallow. So it is better to eat food without oil-spice-salt. If it is very difficult, you have to eat boiled food. Make sure the cooking is done in a clean environment. Infections make the body very weak and tired, so patients should be given foods that strengthen the muscles and increase energy levels.

2. Experts say that you can make smoothies with yoghurt and eat Greek yogurt. Butter made with nuts also has a lot of ‘good fat’. You can eat with oats. This is very important for long term health.

3. Eating chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, soy, nuts and whole grains gives energy to the body. Nowadays, cooking in walnut, almond, olive oil and mustard oil will increase immunity. Kovid patients should drink yellow milk once a day.

Include fruits and vegetables in the diet
Kovida wants to be completely healthy with nutritious food. Fruits-vegetables-vegetables should be eaten more. Eat foods that contain vitamins A, C, D, and zinc. However, since covid is basically a disease like viral fever or flu, I want to emphasize calories in the body. If you want, you can include dark chocolate with 70% cocoa in your diet. Kovid patients do not have bad taste in mouth or have difficulty swallowing food, so if they have this problem, soft food is recommended.

What should be the diet chart of Kovid patients?
1. Breakfast – Vegetable Poha, Chila, Upma, Vegetables, Idli, two egg whites, turmeric milk and ginger powder.
2. Lunch – salad with multigrain grains, bread or rice, khichuri, lentils. You can eat carrot or cucumber yogurt salad.
3. Evening meal – Ginger tea, vegetable, chicken or immunity soup or sprout lick, ginger tea and veg khichuri should be eaten if the patient has diarrhea.

Drinking water is very important. Especially if you are suffering from stomach problems, then your body is leaking a lot of water. So in addition to water you can eat tea, chicken soup or broth, fruit juice, coconut water with ginger-honey. If there is too much, you have to drink electrolyte water from time to time. Many now take vitamin C and zinc supplements. However, if you have covid, you need to take any medicine, you must consult a doctor once.

What to do to get rid of fatigue after covid
The patient will feel tired for several days after being infected with covid. It is better to eat bananas, apples and oranges for quick recovery. It is better to eat salad or sweet potato.

Information courtesyNBT

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