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What to do if the child has corona? Here is a list of important tips

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Own report: The new variant of Corona (Indian Covid variant) is not getting discount for children from newborn to 5 years. Parents are scared. Even if they manage themselves in such a way, it is never possible for the children! Some people have fallen asleep at night thinking about this. You can get some idea from this report. How do you know your child is not infected? How can you take care of yourself without hospitalization? Find out some important facts about that.

Your child has coronary heart disease, but at what stage, is it mild, moderate, moderate, severe or critical?


1) Cough, sore throat, runny nose
2) Diarrhea, vomiting (but not dehydration, eating and urination are the same)
3) Feeling of fever
5) A little noise of taste

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Moderate tolerance

1) Smoke fever for more than 4 days
2) Increased respiration
3) Oxygen level 94
4) Diarrhea, dehydration with vomiting.
5) Very tired, not wanting to eat.

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1) Oxygen level 90, onset of shortness of breath
2) Not wanting to eat at once, fatigue is final

3) Smoke fever

4) Holding the chest

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In this condition there is a possibility of going into a coma. Kidney failure. Heart failure. However, before reaching this stage, treatment has to be started immediately and you have to be admitted to the hospital for life support.

How to treat your child at any level

If you can see the symptoms and understand that your child is infected with corona Mild, But first put him in home isolation for 18 days.

  • Eat regularly with liquid foods and other foods.
  • Feed ORS several times a day.
  • Keep an eye on his work.
  • Vitamins C, D and zinc can be given, through medicine or food. (Doctor’s advice should be taken in case of medicine)
  • Give 10-15 mg / kg / dose of paracetamol every 4 hours.
  • You can take Zinc +/- Probiotics for diarrhea.

If Moderate tolerance If it is level, you can give it to the hospital, or you can keep it at home, but of course on medical advice.

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Supportive care for your child before hospitalization or while waiting for any reason-

  • Adequate amount of liquid food. Ivy fluid and nasogastric feeding may be required.
  • iv can take ORS as fluids.
  • Zinc +/- Probiotics can be given for diarrhea.
  • Give 10-15 mg / kg / dose of paracetamol every 4 hours.
  • Continue to do whatever therapy is needed to increase oxygen in the body through exercise.

If your child Severe and Critical Corona is infected at the level, but must be hospitalized. From then on, it is appropriate to proceed with medical advice.