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When New Normal, give the corner of your home an office look, know how to decorate – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • We are all familiar with the term work from home in times of emergency.
  • Work-from-home was the last source of livelihood for office-going employees, especially those working in the private sector, as the Corona outbreak increased last year.
  • Corona infection is on the rise again this year, with lockdowns in some states.

This time the digital desk: In times of extremes Work from home We are all familiar with the word. Work-from-home was the last source of livelihood for office-going employees, especially those working in the private sector, as the Corona outbreak increased last year. Corona infection is on the rise again this year, with lockdowns in some states. In that case, the popularity of work from home is gradually increasing.

So even if you work from home, you can give an office look to any corner of your home. Make that place your workspace. If you have old furniture, use them in a new way. As well as boosting immunity, boost your creativity and productivity. Here are some home office ideas that you won’t be able to hold back.

Put a small desk in the bedroom
The bedroom is not a suitable place to make a home office – even if it is a small house, there is no other way. In that case keep a small desk in the bedroom. Be sure to make sure that laptops and other essentials are kept on that desk. You can put a tall lampshade or plant next to it. The color green will refresh the mind. You can hang white boards on the wall. Write your to-do list on that board.

Make unused closets your own workspace
If you have an unused closet or wall cupboard in the bedroom, you can also use it as your office space. Put the laptop in a rack in the wall cupboard. Remove unnecessary racks. Especially the racks near the feet. Again, you can put your own necessary files above. If your bedroom is white, color the home office dark blue.

Here are some tips

How to place two desks
Having two desks is recommended for working husband and wife to work from home. This will not hinder anyone’s work. Place a rectangular desk in this case. Place the chair facing up. However, the focus on work should not be forgotten. For this you can put a screen of your choice in the middle of the desk. In addition, if the desk is a little bigger, you can put a small bookshelf of modern style in the middle. Nowadays you can easily buy various shaped shelf cuttings. Arrange your favorite book in one of its compartments, keep small original or fake tree in any of its compartments. Again, you can put your family photo somewhere. Leave a niche empty. If necessary, you can keep your unfinished work file there.

Use as much vertical space as possible
If it is a small house, it is difficult to set up your own home office there, but it is not impossible at all. In this case keep a small desk attached to the wall. It is best to have a desk with 2-3 drawers. You can keep your necessary files and documents in it. Now place two racks up and down on the wall. Decorate any of it with your favorite showpieces. Put your favorite things or your favorite book in any of them. Place the hooked rod on the wall. Hang a small black or white board on it. Other hooks can be hung with the necessary office accessories. Place the study lamp in one corner of the desk.

Make your workstation comfortable
If you want to work from home for a long time, you can give your home office a little cozy look. Arrange the place in such a way that you can’t give up the desire to sit there and work. Put a beautiful lamp on the desk. Halfile photoframes or showpieces can be kept. Also place candles in one corner. Keep with small tree or flower tub. The seating chair should also be comfortable.

Take advantage of the opportunity to work standing up
If you sit and work continuously for a long time, various health problems may occur. In that case, why not give up the opportunity to work standing. There are now many portable study desks available that allow you to work from any part of the house. You can keep this desk in your home office area. When you are tired of sitting and working, turn them over to the standing desk. You can work at this desk by standing at a height that suits your length. This will relieve back pain and keep blood pressure normal.

Here are some tips

The mind will be refreshed by the beautiful scenery of nature
If you have a garden in front of your house, you can use it too. In that case place your desk in front of the glass window in the house where the garden can be seen. Let the beautiful light of dawn fall on the desk. Place the desk in such a way that you can see the combination of green outside when you turn your face or look up. In this case do not put any heavy curtain on the window.

Again, no garden, no tension. There are more ways to work in the green. In this case, place a rotten iron shelf in a room or wall of the house. You can keep your favorite flowering plants on this shelf. Green leafy trees can also be kept. Lata leaves can be wrapped with rotten iron rods. Place your office desk in front of this shelf. You can also use the shelf as a background. However, do not keep the tree tub or herbs stuffed. Leave some space blank. Place white or any other light colored shopis on the edge or in the middle of a few green tubs. White cover books can also be kept here.

Use bold colors in a part of the home office
While working in your home office, make sure that you do not fall asleep. For this, paint a part of the wall adjacent to the desk in bold color. Leave the rest neutral. You can also make your own office space in the useless vacant part of the house and give a jolt look. If you are an art lover, you can put a statement painting.

Use colorful accessories
If you are a person with a clear mind, you will not like a serious environment. So wrap your home office space in different colors. Also keep the accessories colorful. Let blue, pink, yellow color play in your mind. This kind of color will lighten the mind, as well as increase your creativity.

Cork can make walls
You can turn the wall next to your home office desk into a cork wall. You can pin your own to-do list, calendar, etc. on this wall.

Here are some tips

Spelling gallery on the wall
You can create a gallery with your favorite pictures on the back wall of your desk. This gallery can be built on white walls. You can also make a gallery by wrapping the wall in check print wallpaper.

Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys …..
Replace the rectangular desk with a new type of desk for your own work. In this case, attach the semicircular desk to the wall. Put a framed bulletin board in front of it.

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2021-04-22 15:32:06
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