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WHO’s Guide Line 8 – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • The second wave of corona is becoming more dangerous every day. The symptoms of this infection are different from the previous ones.
  • Infection is on the rise now more than ever before. The government and doctors are all asking for caution.
  • So far, the only cure for this deadly disease is immunity

This time the digital desk: The second wave of ‘SARS-COV-2’ virus infection is going to become more frightening in the country. At this moment, India has reached the summit of Kovid. The death march is going on.

The second wave of corona is becoming more dangerous every day. The symptoms of this infection are different from the previous ones. Infection is on the rise now more than ever before. The government and doctors are all asking for caution. So far, the only cure for this deadly disease is immunity According to the WHO, a balanced diet increases immunity. As a result, the risk of infectious diseases is lower. So if you want to defeat Kovid, you have to increase your immunity. According to the World Health Organization, everyone should eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and antioxidants. Guidelines have been published on what kind of food should be included in your diet to prevent infection. Take a look at what they are-

Do not eat extra salt during this time
People get sick very quickly when they take extra salt. It is better not to eat more than 5 grams of salt per day to increase immunity during coronation. Try to include avocado, fish, olive oil, canola, meat, coconut, cheese and ghee in your diet.

Increase the amount of water, eat less sugar
According to WHO guidelines, you are asked to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. As a result, there will be no shortage of water in the body and body temperature will also be controlled. Avoid using sugar in drinks as much as possible. When using specially packaged fruits and vegetables, be sure to include the amount of sugar and salt in the label.

Live a healthy life
Everyone should follow a healthy lifestyle to avoid Kovid-19. Practice, meditation and adequate sleep will strengthen the immune system. Eat at home to avoid contact with people and try to reduce the infection.

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Non-veg should be eaten
Non-vegetarian foods will make you stronger. According to WHO guidelines, red meat can be eaten once or twice a week. In addition, fish, eggs and milk with 180 grams of meat, beans should be eaten.

Eat grains and nuts
Grains and nuts help fight the virus, according to the WHO. Anyone who eats 180 grams of grains like corn, oats, wheat, bajara, brown rice or potatoes will be protected from infection. At the same time, in addition to fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to include nuts, coconuts, pesto nuts in your diet.

Start eating fruits and vegetables
The second wave of Covid 19 is very scary. Eat as much nutritious food as possible to avoid it. The WHO recommends eating two cups a day of guava, apple, banana, rutberry, grape, pineapple, papaya, orange to prevent infection. Among the vegetables, green bell pepper, chilli, garlic, ginger, banana, coriander, raw chilli, broccoli should be eaten. Eat more fresh fruits and raw vegetables than sugary, salty and fatty foods. These are very useful to increase immunity.

Follow these kitchen tips to avoid infection
1. Wash fruits and vegetables with water before eating.
2. Practice washing each plate before and after use.
3. Always keep cooked and raw foods separate.
4. Do not serve very hot food.
5. Do not overcook vegetables. Overcooking these depletes vitamins and minerals.

Information courtesyNBT

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2021-04-25 12:18:39
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