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Why Bill Gates is uncomfortable with owning 109 billion dollars?

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According to Forbes Bill Gates is the second richest man in the world with a fortune of 106.6 billion US dollars. He has also been the richest man in the world more than once. But Bill Gates can’t afford to be the owner of this huge amount of money.

Bill Gates in a recent blog post Like this His net worth of about ৯ 109 billion proves that his country’s economic system is in trouble. What does this mean? Do you think Bill Gates thought his fortune was going to be even bigger? Or does he just not pay attention when you tell him something to do? Think for 10 seconds, then match your answer with the rest of this post.

Well, I guess you figured it out. Now let’s find out what Bill Gates thinks.

Own published on the eve of the new year 2020 In a blog post “The gap between high and low incomes in the United States is much wider than it was 50 years ago,” wrote Bill Gates. Bill Gates thinks he has made an disproportionate amount of money for his work where many other people are struggling to make a living.

This is not just a US problem. Oxfam is an international organization working on global poverty alleviation Saying, The gap between the income of the upper class and the lower class worldwide is widening. Wealthy people are becoming more wealthy. Low-income people are struggling to make ends meet.

To solve this problem, Bill Gates thinks that the government should increase the amount of taxes imposed on the rich. “I think rich people should pay more (taxes) than they do now, and that includes me and Milinda (Bill Gates’ wife),” he wrote.

Bill Gates also wrote in the blog that the amount of capital earned by investors should be taxed more on “capital gains”. None of the world’s richest people have amassed wealth through paid employment alone, and that’s why Gates believes the government should raise taxes on capital more than on labor.

Gates added that the trend of leaving huge sums of money for children is not good for anyone. The next generation must be motivated to contribute to the work and the economy.

According to Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, additional assets need to be reinvested in society through higher taxes or public works.

And that’s why Bill Gates thinks that the huge amount of money he owns proves that the economic system is not fair. That’s why he’s made so much money for his work. He is referring here to the economic system of the United States, but this may also apply to other countries in the world.

Bonus: Some incredible information about Bill Gates that you didn’t know

Bill Gates has pledged to spend most of his resources on public welfare. He and his wife co-founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Learn about the beginnings of Bill Gates’ philanthropic work This post Can read.

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