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Why did Nokia choose Windows Phone instead of Symbian and avoid Android?

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nokia msOne question that always comes to mind about Nokia is the exclusion of Symbian Android Why not choose Windows Phone OS This Finnish company raises its hand? The one-time mobile giant Nokia faced such a tough decision in late 2010. This is still a mystery in the general consumer market. Many think, Nokia Because of their whimsy, Google has avoided Android as a smartphone platform. Is that so?

The reality is that Nokia discussed with Google the idea of ​​using Android as the new mobile OS instead of Symbian. But in the end it did not see the face of success. That’s why Google official Vic Gandotra sent a derogatory tweet to Nokia and Microsoft.

Just before the announcement of the Nokia-Windows Phone deal in February 2011, Mr. Vic Ek In the tweet message “Two turkeys (Turkey: birds in particular) cannot make an eagle”; In other words, he meant that brands like Nokia and Windows Phone OS could never bring anything good / great together.

After that tweet, Vic’s use of Twitter was banned by Google.

But what was the reason for Nokia’s reluctance to choose Android? Stephen Elp, the company’s CEO, recently explained. One in the UK In the interview He also faced the question of whether Elp has ever regretted not taking Android.

In response, Mr Elp said he was happy with the 2010 decision. That is, they are not at all sorry for avoiding Android.

Stephen Elp added that they feared the monopoly of a certain company on Android. Apparently, he is referring to Samsung. And that is exactly what happened two years later. Samsung is now successfully doing business around the world with devices powered by the Android operating system. And Nokia chose Windows Phone OS to take part in this competition differently. Because of Samsung’s manpower and manufacturing facilities, any other company will face a lot of problems to compete with the Galaxy device with Android. (For example, the smartphone business of the Taiwanese company HTC is on the decline);

And so in the smartphone market Apple Oh Samsung The Lumia maker’s goal was to emerge as a third option later. That’s why they didn’t really have any good option other than Windows Phone OS.

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