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Why drink coconut water in Iftar? – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Holy Ramadan has begun. As a result of fasting, dehydration occurs in almost everyone’s body. Fatigue at the end of the day. The mind does not consent to any work. But these problems can be removed by working like magic coconut water.

In this regard, Samina Zaman Qazi, Senior Manager (Scientific Affairs and Relations), Nestle Bangladesh Limited, said that dehydration occurs as a result of fasting. The body’s immune system can be weakened, especially in the corona. Therefore, the food items of Iftar should be such that the food is nutritious and there is a balanced distribution of water and beverages. For this reason, if coconut water is used for Iftar, it will be much more beneficial. Because coconut water contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, considering the current hot weather, coconut water is more effective.

100 grams of coconut water contains 94 grams of water. Contains small amounts of fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients. Coconut water has a good combination of vitamins, calcium, manganese, sodium and potassium. Apart from this, there are some nutrients which become effective only after entering the body.

Potassium is the most abundant mineral salt in coconut water. Coconut water is very useful to reduce potassium deficiency in the body. Although many kidney patients have electrolyte imbalance, potassium can be reduced. So for patients who are suffering from such complications, coconut water will be very useful in Iftar. Hypertension causes high blood sodium levels. But coconut water contains potassium which keeps it under control.

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Now the question may be how much coconut water to drink? In this regard, Samina Zaman Qazi said, iftar can be done on alternative days without drinking coconut water with fruits of different positions. One glass of water is enough for an adult. In many cases, soaking the chira with coconut water will be beneficial. If children do not want to drink coconut water, pudding can be made for them. It will not do much in terms of calories. However, other nutrients will play a role in the formation of the baby’s body.

He said that fasting affects the skin. But coconut water contains a lot of antioxidants. As a result, if it is in Iftar, the skin will be smooth and radiant. As well as relieving fatigue, stress and dehydration, coconut water contains some ingredients that protect the kidneys from stone deposits, said Samina Zaman Qazi.

However, some precautions should be taken while drinking coconut water. Mahfuza Afroz Sathy, chief nutritionist at the Imperial Hospital in Chittagong, said that in some cases, coconut water has its side effects. For example, it lowers blood pressure. So those who are suffering from hypertension, they should eat less coconut water. In case of kidney patient, it is advisable to drink coconut water after seeing the plasma electrolyte report. Coconut water is a natural laxative, excessive drinking can lead to thin stools.

For those who have a heart attack or weak heart muscle, giving coconut water is very dangerous. Why coconut water contains a lot of potassium, which increases the work pressure on the cardiac muscle. Coconut water does not contain too much sugar. However, he says it is not very safe for an uncontrolled diabetic patient.

NH, 17 April