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Windows 10 May 2019 Update – Top 10 Features

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Since yesterday, Microsoft has started rolling out their Windows 10 7th feature update Windows 10 May 2019 update. Already received some customer updates. The rest are also expected to receive an update notification in a few days.

New features are usually introduced in the feature updates of Windows 10. At the same time changes are seen in the user interface. So what is the new version of 1903?

Let’s take a look at the top 10 features of this update.

More clean start menu

The new update makes some changes to the Start menu. Now it has been made easier and more beautiful by reducing the number of pinned apps. With that, you can now easily unpin the pinned apps by default. However, to enjoy this new start menu, you need to open a new user account or reset the PC.

New “light” theme

This light theme has been added to complement the previous dark theme of Windows 10. Through this, the use of white color can be seen everywhere in the user interface including the task bar. This is the default theme for Windows 10 Home Edition. The color of the default wallpaper of Windows 10 has also been changed to suit this theme.

Passwordless sign-in

To reduce the dependence on passwords, Microsoft has launched a password-free login service. If you want to sign up with Microsoft account on Windows PC, you can use mobile number. As a result, you can login with the code that comes to the mobile every time without a password. You can also use PIN or biometric login if you wish later.

Uninstall built-in apps

Many apps come pre-installed with Windows 10. In many cases these are not used by the customers. In this May update you can uninstall default apps like Groove Music, Movies & TV, Mail / Calendar, Paint 3D or 3D Viewer. However, apps like Camera or Edge Browser cannot be uninstalled yet.

Cortana and Search are different now

Search and Cortana icons have been separated in the taskbar in the May update. From now on, any text search will handle the default search option of Windows. This means that if you type something by clicking on the search icon, it will show the search results of the local PC first. There is also an opportunity to see the web results. And by clicking on the Cortana icon you can search any voice. Although there are complaints from users about Windows Local Search. However, with this update, it is hoped that finding local files will be easier.

Brightness slider

Brightness slider like Android has now been added to the notification center. As a result, you can now set the brightness to any level. Previously, the brightness could be set to 5 levels only through the brightness tile.

Kaomoji Library

Kaomoji is a type of emoji that is created using the ASCII character. These were used in the early days of computers. These are still very popular in western countries. And that’s why Microsoft has added some Kaomozi to the normal emoji in this update.

A kaomoji- ¯ _ (ツ) _ /

Windows Sandbox

The Windows Sandbox feature is another Windows virtual machine in the middle of Windows. However, the advantage is that it is a default feature, so you do not have to set up a virtual machine separately.

However, to run this feature, your PC must support the virtualization feature (which must be enabled in BIOS). This will allow you to run any suspicious programs while keeping the original PC system safe. It can be used in Windows Pro and Enterprise Edition.

Desktop app in mixed reality

Microsoft is working on augmented reality with Windows 10. They named it Mixed Reality. Previously, mixed reality only worked on some universal apps, but in this update, mixed reality will also work on several desktop (Win32) apps.

Suspend Windows Update

One of the complaints of Windows 10 users is that when Windows Update is launched, data is consumed or PC is restarted. This update has therefore increased the customer’s control over Windows Update. This will allow users of all editions of Windows to suspend updates for a specified period of time. In addition, Windows will now have 8 GB of reserved space for updates that will be used to download updates and save temporary files.

To know how to get Windows 10 May 2019 update first Check out this post.

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