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Windows 8.1 Update-1 (Latest Version) ISO Leaked!

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windows 8.1 update 1 leaked ..The first update of Windows 8.1 operating system has been leaked online. OST ISO files are available on various file sharing sites. This is the first build of Windows 8.1 Update-1. This further enhances the mouse and keyboard function of the software Done.

Windows 8.1 Update-1 (Build 9800) will make it easier to use the Windows 7 Style (Metro) app. Now you can get Metro app minimize, window resize, navigation, snapping etc. from normal desktop mode.

Windows Start Screen has also improved. More options are now available on its live tiles than ever before. Right click on the context menu options include resize, unpin, etc.

If you visit our blog regularly, you will definitely hear about this update of Windows 8.1 Microsoft By default Provides boot-to-desktop features. That is, as soon as the computer is turned on, the desktop mode will go directly. After logging in to Windows 7 and 8.1 PC, Metro style start screen comes.

Another major change in Windows 8.1 Update-1 is the power button on the Start menu, the lack of which has been criticized in previous versions (7 and 8.1). The latest Windows build has a start button, as well as a power button / shut down-restart button in the Metro Style Start menu. With that came the search option as a bonus.

Windows If you want to download the leaked version of 6.1 Update-1 This link Can visit. However, it is not certain how long the file will be online here. So try as soon as possible.

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