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Windows 8 was Microsoft’s fault?

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windows 8.1 update start menuSoftware giant has released screenshots of future Windows updates at this year’s Microsoft Build Developer Conference. These look a lot like Windows Seven. With this update, Windows 7 style start menu will return to Windows.

The modern (metro) interface targeting the touchscreen did not meet with significant success in meeting Microsoft’s expectations. To solve these problems, the first update of Windows 8.1 Redmond made a number of changes.

The main change of Windows 7 was its Metro style interface and apps. It is sorted with special software based on it Windows Store. Microsoft has developed a metro version (Windows 7 style) of almost all of their applications that is more suitable for touchscreens. But most users use common keyboard-mouse based Windows software on their Windows 7 PC. So Microsoft’s effort to retain the usefulness of the Windows platform.

windows 8.1 update start screen

Another critical feature of Windows 7 is the location of the power button. As you can see from the screenshot of Windows 8.1 Update-1, Microsoft This time the power button is brought to a more convenient position. Two new buttons have been added to the right side of the user profile in its tiles based start menu. One is the search button and the other is the power or shut down button.

Windows 8.1 Here comes the “boot to desktop” facility. That is, as soon as the computer is turned on, you can go to the normal desktop without going directly to the start screen. Windows 8 did not have this feature, so Microsoft had to face a lot of discussion and criticism.

Microsoft is also coming back from the division of the traditional Windows software interface with Metro apps. As a result, it will be possible to run and minimize Metro style applications even in normal desktop mode.

The tablet version of Windows 8 did not do much good with Windows RT. Some technology analysts Windows has called RT a failure.

Finally, Microsoft is making changes to most of the new features of Windows 7. From Windows 8.1 to ‘Windows 8.1 Update One’, the company has moved away from the original design theme of W8.

Future Windows will have a larger redesign in the Start menu. That picture is given in the very first image of this post. After all this time, if we go back to Windows 7 style, were the initial changes of Windows 8 wrong with Microsoft?

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