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With just 15 minutes of care at night, get rid of the painful problem of sagging skin

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Collagen tissue in our skin is damaged due to excessive sun exposure i.e. walking without protection in harmful sun, eating more sugary and sugary foods and many other lifestyle problems. This is the reason why the skin loses its natural elasticity and the problem of sagging skin occurs. Due to the fact that the skin of the face is much more damaged, in addition to this, the skin of the neck is also seen to be sagging which will look quite awkward. With a little care and a little care you can get rid of this problem. This problem can be solved by taking 15 minutes at night only 1 day a week. Want to know how? Let’s find out.

Whatever it takesঃ
1. 2 tablespoons cucumber juice
2. 1 egg white part
3. 3-5 drops of Vitamin E oil

Methods and usage
1. Beat the white part of the egg well. It is better if you can beat it like foam.
2. Then mix cucumber juice and vitamin E oil well to make a mixture.
3. At night, apply this mixture all over the facial skin, neck and neck.
4. Then leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
5. Use this mask only 1 day a week. Get better results.

Why this mask?
Cucumber is naturally much more beneficial for the skin. Cucumber helps to compensate for the loss of collagen tissue in the skin in particular.

The white part of the egg is known as a natural astringent which helps to prevent the problem of sagging skin and the hydro lipids in the white part of the egg help to lift the sagging skin.

Vitamin E oil retains skin moisture as a natural moisturizer.