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With the help of smartphone, Visioncheck-Two is an eye test while sitting at home

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Some may not go to an ophthalmologist, but an organization has found a way for patients to use their smartphones at home to test their vision on their own. At the time of the epidemic, it was a major problem for many people around the world to visit a doctor in person.

An organization called IQ has provided this special treatment to the patients sitting at their homes. Phoebe Yu, vice president of marketing at IQ, said: “We’re focusing on affordable, easy-to-get medical approvals, and qualified and accurate vision tests, which you can do on your smartphone.” IQ’s VisionCheck-2 is a device that can do all kinds of eye tests with a smartphone. It is capable of performing one more test in addition to the sight test to see very close, that is, near and far objects. Lenses on the front of the eye often create a curve inside the eye, so light rays often cannot meet normal focus, and a common symptom of this is blurred vision. If there is such a problem, it can be checked with the help of Visioncheck-Two.

“So Visioncheck-2 is actually our third-generation refractometer, which will help you measure how much you need to adjust your eye power, and you can order glasses online using these results,” added Phoebe. With the help of this machine, users are shown two lines at different angles of the horizon during many experiments, and then use the VisionCheck-to device to adjust these two lines until they merge with each other. Phoebe U added: “This VisionCheck-2 is a device based on patented technology from MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is exclusively licensed by IQ. The test will basically send some light rays into your eyes and analyze the information that will be available to see clearly, that is, to determine the power of the spectacles you will need to restore your vision. ”

Phoebe U said that VisionChet-II is not a substitute for any doctor. “But it does meet your needs by updating the power of the new spectacles to see clearly,” he said. Travel is limited due to the epidemic, so the company is looking to improve business. Phoebe Yu, vice president of marketing at IQ, said: “People are interested in finding more devices, more solutions that will make it easier for them to do these things at home in general.” Phoebe Yu says such devices have a huge impact on the lives of people in the developing world. In all those cases, low-cost solutions like ours can really make a difference in people’s lives. ”

As the epidemic continues, these eye tests at home are more readily available and convenient and a self-empowered approach to vision testing.