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Women’s Beauty Beginning Beauty Slip – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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If sleep is not good, we know that its effects are obvious Sleep affects the body’s hormones, depletes body fat and strengthens the body’s immune system to help maintain a good mood. A woman who sleeps well at night looks beautiful and fresh in the morning Not only that, he stays fit all day long

The Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm conducted a study on the effects of sleep on Swedish girls. Some of the girls surveyed were given 8 hours of sleep and others only 5 hours. Then pictures of all of them were taken in the morning According to the judges, after 5 hours of sleep, not 5 hours, the girls looked very beautiful, lively and fit. In other words, it has been scientifically proven that ‘beauty slip’ is not just a word

A woman who gets less than 8 hours of sleep almost every night is at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is according to a study by scientists at the University of Helsinki in Denmark During deep sleep the blood vessels of the body widen and then it can circulate nutrients well As a result, the skin is smooth and vibrant

People who get enough sleep naturally have a good mood They naturally smile more and look sympathetic even when looking at them Needless to say, smiling people look better than those who smile less or have a sad face, even when they look younger!

‘Carrots instead of cream, mangoes instead of masks’. In other words, wanting to be beautiful does not mean that you always have to use expensive cosmetics Instead, it is better to eat foods rich in vitamins A number of studies have shown that those who eat less fruits and vegetables have less wrinkles on their face than those who eat more vegetables and fruits. Therefore, eating fruits like carrots or mangoes is more beneficial than applying cream or mask on the skin.

Eating healthy food makes the skin taut, hair and nails beautiful and attractive Regularly eat colorful vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, sweet pumpkins, broccoli etc. to overcome age. Fish and green leafy vegetables or salads are also needed for beautiful skin You need to keep away from smoking, drinking and excessive sunlight Need to drink 2 liters of water per day, eat plenty of vitamin C, such as lemon or orange fruit

Three to four days a week, any kind of exercise or sports is very important Exercise keeps the body fresh and alive and plays a big role in relieving stress It is very important to spend some time for yourself after the stress of daily work Besides, various household chores are also a kind of exercise and through this exercise your home will be clean, both body and mind will be beautiful.

Not only beauty slip, I also want beauty snacks At lunch break, white yogurt is mixed with various fruits to get the necessary calcium, vitamin C, E, etc. of the day. Which will make you bright and attractive among countless women

Beautiful figure, smooth skin and strong personality make any girl beautiful and attractive With a little makeup and a sweet smile, anyone can be Ananya 7


Health | DesheBideshe
2021-06-24 17:46:13
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