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Women’s weight can also increase due to hormones! How to control?

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  • Balanced hormones help keep the body healthy. This hormone affects a person’s hunger, sleep, sadness, joy, sex life.
  • Not only that, if you gain weight and can’t control it after hundreds of attempts,
  • If so, this hormone may be responsible for it.

This time the digital desk: Balanced hormones help keep the body healthy. This hormone affects a person’s hunger, sleep, sadness, joy, sex life. Not only that, if your weight continues to increase and you can’t control it after hundreds of attempts, then this hormone may be responsible for it.

Hormone becomes unbalanced for multiple reasons. Hormone can become unbalanced due to puberty, pregnancy, some drugs. This can have serious consequences for your physical and mental health, as well as for weight gain. Not only this, with the help of different hormones you can get rid of the problem of weight loss. So Weight gain It is important to control the hormones that can. Due to some hormones Weight gain, Let’s find out:

Thyroid Hormone
This hormone works to produce T3, T4 and calcitonin. These hormones maintain the body’s metabolism. When the secretion of this hormone in the body is low, the person suffers from hypothyroidism. As a result, the person begins to gain weight.

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What to do?

1. Get regular thyroid tests. Continue to consult a doctor.

2. Do not eat raw vegetables.

3. Use iodized salt in food.

4. Include zinc-rich foods in your diet. Pumpkin seeds and oysters are significant sources of zinc.

5. You can eat fish oil and vitamin D supplements.

. Take thyroid medicine regularly on the advice of a doctor.

This hormone is secreted from the pancreas. This hormone carries glucose to the cells. This glucose provides energy to our body. When the amount of insulin in the body decreases, glucose cannot reach other parts of the body. As a result, the body cannot store energy. The body’s blood sugar level is affected and weight gain continues.

What to do?

1. Keep checking your blood sugar level regularly. Consult a doctor if necessary.

2. Eat a balanced and low carb diet.

3. Stay stress free.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

5. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.

. Avoid late night snacking.

. Exercise helps control insulin levels.

. You must get eight hours of sleep. Less sleep can lead to hormonal imbalance. This is especially true of insulin levels.


Weight gain can be achieved by increasing or decreasing the level of this hormone. These hormones are produced in large quantities from the cells of the uterus. In addition, estrogen-rich foods also increase the levels of this hormone. A healthy body produces enough insulin. As a result, the amount of sugar in the blood is controlled. However, the cells in the body that produce insulin are the ones that produce the most estrogen. This causes the body to become insulin resistant, increase glucose levels and gain weight. On the other hand, the problem of low estrogen occurs with age. This is because estrogen production tends to decrease with age. The body produces estrogen with the help of fatty cells. During this time all the energy is converted into fat and weight gain.

What to do?

1. Do not eat processed meat.

2. Avoid alcohol.

3. Do regular yoga exercises. Try to stay free from fatigue.

4. Include whole grains, vegetables and fruits in your diet.

5. Consult a doctor.


It is usually thought to be a male hormone. However, it is also secreted in the body of women. This hormone maintains sexual desire, burns fat, strengthens bones and muscles. However, due to age, stress, etc., its levels begin to decrease. This can lead to weight gain.

What to do?

1. Check your testosterone levels as advised by your doctor.

2. Include linseed, pumpkin seeds, whole grains in your diet. Weight loss will be followed by fiber intake.

3. Regular exercise will improve testosterone levels and boost metabolism.

4. Take vitamin C, probiotic and magnesium supplements.

5. Avoid alcohol.

. Take zinc and protein supplements. This will keep testosterone levels right.


Progesterone is essential for the body to function properly. However, in many cases due to fatigue, menopause or birth control pills, its levels decrease. This causes weight gain.

What to do?

1. Consult a gynecologist.

2. Take contraceptive pills as advised by doctors.

3. Do not eat processed meat.

4. Exercise and breathe regularly.

5. Try to stay stress free. If necessary, seek the help of stress management therapy.

In addition to trying to control hormones, there are other things you can do to control weight:


Make changes in your lifestyle. Exercise from time to time from a busy routine.

Junk food

If you can’t eliminate junk food altogether, find healthy alternatives. Schedule one or two junk food days a week or month. Do not eat more junk food than this.

Lack of time

In the busy life, the tendency towards ready-to-eat food has increased. This type of diet also results in weight gain. However, healthy food can be made in a short time. Soups, salads, dahlias, oats, etc. can be made in less time.


Fatigue is also one of the causes of weight gain. Many times when we are depressed we eat more food. If you are worried, drink a glass of water. Exercise to get rid of fatigue again.


Weight gain can also be caused by staying up late and not getting enough sleep. So try to get enough sleep. You should get 7-8 hours of sleep a day.

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2021-07-04 10:41:15
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