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World Health Organization – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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The World Health Organization (WHO) says the coronavirus will not go away before 60 percent of people are vaccinated. The agency says vaccination rates around the world are slow. It must increase. There is no room for complacency with Corona right now.

Hans Klug, the WHO’s head of Europe, made the remarks in an interview with the Associated Press on Friday. Hans Klug says: “A total of 36.7 per cent of Europeans have so far received one dose of corona vaccine. 17 percent people got two doses.

He said, “Although corona infections have been steadily declining in the world for four weeks, there are still concerns about the Indian type. It is much more contagious. This type has been identified in 28 countries of Europe.

“Even if the corona vaccine is effective, people need to be careful,” said Hans Klug. It is seen that many people are forgetting about hygiene in self-satisfaction. Many countries have vaccinated healthy young people but poor countries have not been able to vaccinate the elderly at risk.

NH, 29 May