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Yahoo brings tab back to mailbox!

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Yahoo logoA couple of months ago Yahoo! Reveals new design of their webmail service. At the time, the company said, users could be confused if too many tabs were opened at once. A few days later, a new feature called ‘Recent’ view was added to the mailbox which showed the last few messages in the form of a short list. But as a result of consumer feedback, Yahoo has changed its mind.

Now the web firm has changed its mind and returned to tabbed browsing Bringing. However, this time there has been some improvement in it naturally. In the new tab system you will see a grid preview of each open tab. Clicking on the down arrow icon after the last opened tab and clicking ‘Preview All’ will bring up a preview of all the tabs. Then press ‘esc’ key to clear the screen. Yahoo calls it ‘boss mood’.

You can switch to preview mode while in boss mode by clicking on the square icon in the lower left corner of the mailbox. You can choose one of the interface – Recent View or Tab View.

To turn on tabbed browsing, go to View and select Multitasking tabs. Yahoo! This new feature of Mail will reach the accounts of all users worldwide in the next few days.

Yahoo Mail turns 18 in October this year. The number of regular users of the service is more than 100 million. Although the newly designed mailbox offers brand new compose views, 1 terabytes of storage, themes, etc., the problem with Yahoo Server has been a source of frustration for users for some time now.

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