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Yahoo is now buying video streaming site “Hulu”?

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hulu wJust a few days ago, a social networking and blogging service company with a huge budget of ১ 1.1 billion. Yahoo bought Tumblr. At first the matter was leaked through newspapers but in a very short time it became a reality. Internet firm Yahoo’s vision this time is “Hulu”;

The site was led by Marissa Meyer, a US video streaming and online entertainment provider Yahoo! It is said to cost 600 to 800 million dollars Report Doing all things. The same media said last week that search company Yahoo was interested in buying Hulu. And now the site has also revealed the potential budget.

However, the final price of Hulu may be a little more or less than the significant amount. This is because the content displayed involves copyright, licensing and control of the other owners / programmers of the site. There are also streaming service providers waiting in line to purchase this site.

Hulu is currently promoting content only within the United States, and is about to begin operations in Japan. Due to copyright and licensing restrictions on IPTV and other videos, the site cannot be accessed internationally if desired.

One new subject after another is being added On yahoo Marissa Mayer has purchased a wide range of services from startups, applications and operating companies since taking office. Yahoo! With that Several Service Has also stopped The organization. And through all of this, Yahoo has been able to turn around a bit financially.

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