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Yahoo is shutting down 12 more services, including AltaVista and Axis Search Tool

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YahooHeadquartersInternet firm Yahoo! Service / Product trimming at regular intervals to get a better look at their core services. And in that continuity, 12 more Yahoo services are going to be shut down this time. These services will be available in the next few days to a few months Will not exist. This includes the once popular “AltaVista” search, which will close on July 7. AltaVista was added to Yahoo Search in 2003. It became popular long before Google took the lead. But now that the number of Altavista users is declining, the company is advising its users to use the “Yahoo” search engine instead.

Besides, it will be closed on June 30 Yahoo! Web player. And on July 1, RSS Alert will be turned off and the service will be replaced by Email Alert.

Meanwhile, the “Axis Search Tool”, which was launched in a grand ceremony last year, will also be included in the latest cuts. Marissa Meyer Yahoo The Axis app and plugin were launched just before the CEO took office. And so it should not be difficult for anyone to understand that this pruning campaign is being carried out under his direction.

The latest decision to shut down Yahoo!

  • 1. Yahoo Axis (Closed June 26)
  • 2. Yahoo Browser Plus (June 26)
  • 3. Citizen Sports (June 26)
  • 4. Yahoo Web Player (June 30)
  • 5. Foxy Tunes (July 1)
  • . Yahoo RSS Alerts (July 1)
  • . Yahoo Neighbors Beta (July 7)
  • . AltaVista (July 7)
  • 9. Yahoo Stars India (July 25)
  • 10. Yahoo Downloads Beta (July 31)
  • 11. Yahoo Local API (September 26)
  • 12. Yahoo Term Extraction API (September 26)

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