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Yellow Evening Prose –

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Dinosaurs became extinct on Earth about 6 million years ago. I got the idea about this from reading magazines and books in my childhood. But we have to wait till the end of adolescence to know that a strange program called ‘Haludsandhya’ is still going on in Bangladesh. Although I saw the original version during the day long ago.

These “evening” programs usually do not start before 8 pm. Therefore, if its name was ‘Haludarjani’, it would be more popular. I used to know that such ceremonies are only for the bride or groom. But in more than one ‘Haludarjani’, I have seen both the potters smiling sweetly. So I got a little confused about its nature.

The ‘Yellow Evening’ thing sounds easy, but it’s actually a little complicated. If you want to take part in it, you have to follow a special dress code. For example, yellow sari and magenta Punjabi whichever is applicable.

So, once I went to an evening party (of the couple). Regular half-formal attire in the office without dress code. For the first few minutes, I felt like an alien. Being a member of the pottery, I am walking towards the stage with one hand holding a 15 kg fruit bouquet (basically a basket, but it looked like a bouquet due to the arrangement). Since the weight of the sweet boxes is less, they have been fortunate enough to carry (or display) them.

However, a group of young women and men in uniform waiting with flower petals and live sweets on both sides. I’m not used to uniforms. For 10 years of school, I did not have to wear a uniform, because it was not introduced in my school even then. Feeling unique in the red-yellow valley. Meanwhile, the weight of the fruit is squeaking in one hand. Being compelled, I broke the serial and went to the front first and handed over the fruits in the right place.

10 minutes have passed. The hand is still not completely normal. Engaging the brain in other directions can bring some relief. Thinking this, I asked someone, “Where is the pot?”

The gentleman said, “There will be no pot here. It’s a program for brides. ”

“I heard that the pot was coming.”

“That is a surprise! Pot will bring his friends late at night. Everyone will be shocked. See you again and say goodbye again. It’s an open secret. ”

I was a little embarrassed not to be able to catch such a big open secret at the beginning. Meanwhile, it is 10 o’clock at night. I have to go home. Even if I want to, I can’t wait till 11:30 and see the surprise. Khawadawa started at a time when the second point was going to be embarrassing thinking about it.

Dinner is already complete as there is an office party in the evening. Here I went to the table with a little biryani and other items (including dessert) on one plate at a time to keep the rules. I saw two other people with me do the same thing.

A gentleman came to our table and was as surprised as he could be. He said, “Why do you have a spoon in your hand?”

I said, “Uncle, that’s how we eat.”

“Have you got pudding too?”

“Yeah, you didn’t get pudding? There is pudding in the far corner of the table. Bring two, not one. The pudding is good. ”

“No, I was saying pudding had to be brought on a different plate. Don’t you have dessert at the end of the day? ”

“It doesn’t feel bad to eat like this. You try too, it will be good. You didn’t bring a cold drink. He will give it to anyone in charge if he wants. ”

Uncle took a cold drink. He wanted Seven Up. But at that moment there was only Mirinda left. I had to be satisfied with that.

It is not that I have not developed the habit of eating with knives and spoons. I didn’t go here so much on purpose. Having two people with me, I have adopted the hand process to create an atmosphere of my own. It is not possible to bring the UX of eating rice by hand with a spoon. Then there would be no advertisement for two hands washing with Lifeboy handwash before and after eating. The advertisement was for washing knives and spoons. Shakib Al Hasan used to say with a smile, ‘Wash your fork and knife with Lifeboy handwash for ten seconds before eating’.

The gentleman in front of us is trying unsuccessfully to remove the flesh from the bones with a single table spoon. He is as patient as Robert Bruce. Seeing the situation, I told him to touch me. He didn’t think it was a respectable solution. Then I suggested using an extra fork or knife type. This time he did not do it again.

The Khawadawa episode is over. Dancing is going on on the stage. It may take another hour for the pot to arrive. It rang around 11 o’clock at night. It is better for me to leave now. Mobile charges have come down to 25 percent. I don’t see public booths for mobile charging here. Or even if it does, it is very unlikely that my mobile will have a USB-C type charger, because this port is still not widely used in our country.

There is an office the next day. Esha prayers have not been performed yet. So I have to go back. After saying goodbye to the rabbis, I called Uber and went to my place. The first yellow campaign of the year ended at 12.45 pm.

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