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Yellow fungus is reddening the eyes after black and white! Learn to be careful

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Yellow Fungus Symptoms: Although the graph of coronavirus infection in the country is slowly declining, there are concerns about the number of deaths. In the midst of this anxiety, various types of fungal infections are increasing. In addition to black fungus, there is also the infection of white fungus. Now the yellow fungus has also folded on the forehead.
Black fungus was found in unhealthy environments, due to excessive use of steroids in the treatment of corona. The disease has already started spreading in India. Increased pressure on healthcare. When this time Black fungus While everyone is busy dealing with it, news of White Fungus and Yellow Fungus infections is coming from different cities of the country.

Remember, the symptoms of these three fungus infections, immunity সব everything is different. That’s why the discussion

Yellow fungus What is Yellow Fungus?
Although it is not a new disease. However, it is more harmful than white and black fungus. Doctors have warned about this. Because this fungus is affecting the internal organs of the body. An incident of yellow fungus has recently come to light in Ghaziabad.

The cause of yellow fungus
Like any other infection, it is primarily caused by an unhealthy environment. Unhealthy environments such as poor hygiene, dirty food are responsible for this fungus. Even steroid overdose and antibacterial medication are said to be the cause of the infection. Patients who have co-morbidity or whose immune system is very weak are also more likely to be infected.

Symptoms of yellow fungus

  • When infected with this fungus, pus or pus starts to come out inside the body. Wound healing, limb paralysis, and in some cases even acute necrosis can be caused by yellow fungus.
  • Patients in the early stages of the infection may experience lethargy, fatigue. The organs are affected as it attacks the internal organs of the body and the person starts losing all his strength. Again, not getting hungry, not eating well is also one of the symptoms. As a result, weight loss begins unexpectedly, and metabolism is weakened.
  • In some cases, the fungus also attacks the eyes. Red or squinted eyes indicate infection with yellow fungus.

Black fungus What?
Mucormycosis is also known as black fungus. It is born from a kind of mold. It is spread in our environment. This disease is rare. The fungus affects people with weakened immune systems and co-morbidity, such as diabetes. It can also spread through the air. However, healthy and resilient people can be said to be safe from this fungus. This was stated by Dr. Nikhil Tandon, Professor, AIIMS and Head, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism.

The cause of the black fungus
Steroid injections are often used to treat patients with coronary heart disease. Which helps to reduce inflammation of the airways. This steroid also reduces the ability to fight infections. Therefore, such patients are more prone to be infected by mucomycosis. People with diabetes, cancer, or kidney failure are also at greater risk. People who have had a decrease in the number of white blood cells due to long-term use of steroids can also be easily infected by this fungus.

Black Fungus


Symptoms of black fungus

  • It attacks the person’s sinuses and lungs. This can cause swelling of one side of the face. Symptoms of this fungus include severe headache, black sores on the upper part of the nose and mouth, chest pain, shortness of breath, and poor eyesight. According to AIIMS physicians, this can lead to eating problems later on. It is not easy to open the mouth again. Not only this, with the help of this fungus you can get weak teeth and fall out.
  • However, doctors believe that coronary heart disease can be prevented by controlling the use of steroids and frequently checking blood sugar levels.

Black FungusAre Headaches Symptoms of Black Fungus? Be aware of any symptoms you may have.
White fungus What?
According to some health experts, white fungus or aspergillosis is more dangerous than black fungus. Because it affects more than one part of the body. White fungus can infect the skin, stomach, kidneys, brain, genitals, etc.

Causes of White Fungus
Like black fungus, white fungus infections are more common in people with weakened immune systems. Patients with diabetes and cancer are also at risk. Not only that, those who have been using steroids for a long time or have been in the ICU are also more prone to this disease.

Symptoms of White Fungus
AIIMS Professor Dr. Kaushal Verma said that the infection of this fungus is first spread in human body from tongue or genitals. Due to this the tongue becomes white.

According to doctors, the symptoms of this rare fungal infection are similar to those of Sars-Cove 2 infection. It can also attack the lungs. It can be identified by CT scan.

However, cough, fever, diarrhea, black spots in the lungs, lack of oxygen is one of the common symptoms of this disease.

Black FungusIs Black Fungus Infectious? Not a rumor, know the truth.
Is the disease contagious?

  • Black fungus is not contagious. It cannot enter from one person to another. AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria had earlier said that it was not contagious. However, a person can be infected if they have a weak immune system. “90-95 percent of people had diabetes and were even given steroids,” he said.
  • Molds that enter the environment through the respiratory process can cause fungal infections. Excessive humidity, foul smelling and contaminated food, uncleanliness are responsible for this infection.

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2021-05-25 17:37:02
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