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Yoga is a Hindu religion – know the truth of some conventional beliefs

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From the difficult situation that has arisen all over the world at the moment, we are now realizing the need to stay physically fit. There are various conventional ways to keep the body healthy, one of which is to practice yoga.

Many people and even many experts disagree about yoga (yoga myths). There are some opinions in it which have only superstition behind them. Now is the time to verify the truth. Here are some tips to help you change the way you think about yoga.

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1. Yoga is only for Hinduism: Most people around the world believe that yoga originated from Hinduism. But with a small example we want to ask a question.

Isaac Newton was a Christian and he discovered the law of gravity. But does that mean we can say that the law of gravity is only Christianity? In the same way, it is absolutely wrong that yoga has got the label of Hinduism.

The word Hindu comes from Indus which is a river. This civilization developed on the banks of the river Indus or Indus, hence the name Hindu civilization. But it is not really a religion. This is the geographical identity of some people. The word yoga is Sanskrit but its underlying meaning shows people of any religion the way to healthy living.

2. There is a specific time for yoga: This is our wrong way of life. But in reality there is no process in life that you can practice yoga at any time in any situation outside of yoga. Because it is a small way for us to live well.

3. Yoga means complicated postures: Many people think yoga is a difficult medium. It is much easier to do gym or exercise. In reality, there is no place for any seat in yoga.

Yoga is basically a combination of a few special postures and breathing exercises. The reason for creating these is so that every organ and every system in our body can perform its function properly.

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2021-06-13 16:28:31
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