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Your guardian is coronary! How to handle the situation alone

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This deadly virus (covid-19) is spreading around us right now. We do not know in advance when this virus (covid-19) will enter anyone’s body.

The test is performed as soon as the symptoms begin to appear and then the report (covid-19) comes to the fore. Everyone’s eyes watered after reading that report.

Then the patient’s job is to stay away from family and relatives for the whole 14 days. There is trouble in living those 14 days.

There are also physical problems. So it is not possible for the patient to spend a moment alone.

The patient should be given mental support by his relatives and by joining hands with him. Especially if the patient is a guardian of your home, then you have to take a big responsibility (mental support).

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Many a time the child of that guardian gets frustrated because he is left alone. But doctors say he also has to deal with some special issues at this time.

1. Your first task is to isolate yourself from the victim. If possible, get your body examined once and consult a doctor.

You have to take medicine like that. Keep a thermometer and a pulse oximeter at home.

2. Then create physical distance of the other members of the household with the victim. If necessary, send the victim to another room and do not go in front of him without need.

In that case also maintain a distance of 1 meter. Infected at home all the time and other members should wear N-95 mask.

3. Check the patient’s oxygen saturation level four to five times a day and the patient must walk 5 to 6 minutes daily.

If the oxygen saturation level is above 95 then it is normal but if it is between 90 to 95 then it is a matter of concern and in that case the patient should follow the proning position (proning position).

In this method (proning position) the patient has to lie on his back on his stomach or lean in one direction.

4. During this time you need to drink plenty of fluids. Basically during this time the patient’s appetite decreases.

That’s why he should make sure that he eats properly three times a day. Separate utensils for the patient should be provided with Kavya Travel and Bed.

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2021-05-16 18:45:45
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