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Does the baby snore during sleep? Danger can happen! Find out the real reason

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  • Obese children are more likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea (OSS).
  • Obesity-related OSS can lead to sleep deprivation, high blood pressure, and heart problems.

This time living desk:Obese children are more likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea (OSS). Obesity-related OSS can lead to sleep deprivation, high blood pressure, and heart problems. The next day it became the food of everyone’s laughter. As much as it seems normal to many to call the nose of an adult, it is as unusual to call the nose of a child. However, the tendency to runny nose can be noticed in children. There are various physical reasons behind this. For example, children get runny nose when they have fatigue or common cold. Some days it just goes away on its own. However, if a child snores continuously for 3-4 days a week and for a long time, it can be a cause for concern. There are several possible causes for nasal congestion in children:

Common cold-cough

Colds and coughs are common in children. Because when there is a cold, there is congestion in the nose. As a result, children cannot breathe through the nose. Then they open their mouths and breathe. Babies start sniffing while breathing through the mouth.

Overweight or obesity

It’s not just adults who are obese. On the contrary, due to wrong lifestyle, children’s body can also become obese. Being overweight can lead to multiple health problems. Overweight babies have runny noses while sleeping. Obese children are more likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea (OSS). Obesity-related OSS can lead to sleep deprivation, high blood pressure, and heart problems.


Children also have runny noses due to allergies. There is a link between allergic rhinitis and poor sleep in children. Allergic rhinitis is again associated with OSS, poor sleep, poor sleep quality, teething or clinging, and night sweats. Increased allergies can cause swelling of the nose and throat, which can lead to breathing problems and an increased risk of runny nose.


Like allergies, asthma can interfere with normal breathing. If asthma causes partial obstruction in the airways, children may have runny noses while sleeping at night.

Increased tonsils and adenoids

Swelling of the tonsils and adenoids causes obstruction of the airways. This increases the chances of nasal congestion. Problems with breathing during sleep, shortness of breath, bad breath, frequent colds, restlessness in sleep, etc. are caused by swollen tonsils and enlarged adenoids. It is important to consult a doctor in this situation.

Sept. Moving

Some babies are born with nasal septum. This is a problem where the septum moves away from its intended location. This makes it difficult for babies to breathe while sleeping. Then they start sniffing as a result of breathing through the mouth.

Polluted air

Contaminated air can have adverse effects on health. As a result, the tendency to snore can be noticed in children. Children breathe with their mouths open due to polluted or inferior air, which increases the tendency to snore. You can install air purifier in children’s room to increase air quality.

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2021-06-02 17:22:32
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