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New Research Find out what the new research says.

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  • Researchers at Yale University have done just that.
  • There, it is said, Rhinovirus named after coronavirus.
  • This virus can prevent covid infection.

This time the digital desk: Not a vaccine against the virus, another virus fight! Wondering? Such information has come up in the study. This research article is published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. Researchers at Yale University have done just that. There, it is said, the coronavirus (Coronavirus) against the water to enter the field Rhinovirus (Rhinovirus). This virus can prevent covid infection.

But what is this rhinovirus (Rhinovirus Infections)?

In Greek, rhis means nose, rhinos means nose. Rhinos are called rhinos because of their steep nostrils. Rhinovirus is the name given to the virus in the nose. Rhinovirus is a common cold that causes colds. Infection occurs at 33 to 35 degrees centigrade. This type of temperature is inside the nose.

What has been seen in the study?
In the tissues of the respiratory tract infected with the cold virus Coronavirus When the corona attacks, the interferon of those cells blocks the spread of SARS cov-2. Interferon is a type of protein molecule that releases interferon when any cell is infected with a virus or bacteria.

But in many cases, after a certain period of Coronavirus infection, a large amount of interferon (cytokine) starts to come out of the cell, which is the opposite. The immune system attacks the body’s cells.
The common cold virus is known to prevent influenza. It can be seen that the time when there is more cold or feeling cold, the influenza is less. As a result, scientists have studied whether the cold virus works against covid.

The research was led by Elaine Foxman, an assistant professor of laboratory medicine and immunology at the Yale School of Medicine. They found that the Covid-19 (Covid-19) virus had been transmitted to laboratory-made respiratory tract tissues, and that the viral load on the tissues had been shown to double every 6 hours. After rhinovirus infection in some tissues and then leaving Covid-Nineteen (Covid-19), it is seen that the coronavirus infection has completely stopped in those tissues.

This indicates that the interferon of Rhinovirus infected cells is able to control the corona in the first stage. In fact, in the first stage of the infection, at a certain time (viral sweetspot), the virus begins to spread rapidly (exponential growth). Even then, strong resistance did not develop. As a result of the rhinovirus, interferon starts working against the SARS cove-to before that sweet spot, curbing its growth. SARS cove-two infections have low antiviral defenses. Coronavirus spreads as a result of having more coronavirus. People who have had a rhinovirus infection before, that is, if they have a cold, are more likely than coronaviruses Corona-resistance Is more. However, Foxman reports that the equation between coronaviruses and rhinoviruses is not yet fully understood. There is still mystery. So more research is needed.

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2021-06-22 09:22:45
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