Not effective, excluding corona therapy from plasma therapy, window center

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Own report: Hospitals using convulsive plasma therapy to treat severe coronary heart disease. The central government has cut off plasma therapy from the list of proposed treatment options for Covid-19. Plasma therapy is not effective in treating corona patients, according to the National Covid Task Force. In their opinion, experimental application has shown that Acoze plasma therapy to alleviate coronary infection.

According to the news agency PTI, doctors, scientists and officials in the task force last week decided that Convalescent Plasma Therapy would be excluded from the guidelines for the treatment of corona. The previous guidelines called for plasma therapy in the care of severely infected people.

Several scientists wrote letters to Vijay Raghavan, the chief scientific adviser. They warned that irrational and unscientific methods were being used. IASMR chief researcher Balram Varghese and AIIMS director Randeep Guleria claimed that plasma therapy was inactivating the body’s antibodies. As a result, the patient loses his immunity.

Experts have also expressed concern about steroids. According to them, steroid abuse is destroying the body’s immune system. The result is the death of a healthy patient.

Read more- The death toll is the same, the infection rate in Bengal has crossed the 10 percent mark for the first time