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This excellent Android wallpaper from Google will provide useful information

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Google does not always offer all their apps in the built-in way on Android phones. Consider the Google Messenger app, although it is very popular, it was not a built-in app until Android 8.0.

Then there is the “meter” wallpaper, which can display a wide range of information in a very short range. Such as battery level, wifi / cell signal and color animated notifications. It’s made in Google’s Creative Lab.

The wallpaper will display this information one by one according to the cycle. Its customization options are very limited. The color and size of the wallpaper should be used in the same way.

1. This is the battery meter. The big circle indicates 100% charge and the small circle will show how much charge your phone has. The amount of charge under the circles will be written in the form of text. The small circle will be able to move between the large circles with the help of sensors.


2. This is WiFi / Cell signal meter. The more full the triangle, the more signals it will give. It will also be able to move using sensors as before.


3. This is notification wallpaper. Each thin rectangular blue box symbolizes a single notification.

What did the meter wallpaper look like? This is a Google Play link You can download the meter from However, it may not be supported for all Android phones.

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